Did You Know? Dedication of the WWI Monument in front of Worcester School, 1921
100 Years Ago
Pictured by the monument are John Fox, principal of Worcester School and Nathaniel Metz, Civil War veteran. Worcester Book page 341.
Excerpts from the “Montgomery Transcript”, the local newspaper of its day.
October 13, 1921. “Highly appropriate exercise and a splendid attendance on Sunday marked the dedication and unveiling of the Memorial erected at Center Point of the young men of Worcester Township who were in the service during the late war. The program as published last week was followed.
Farmers Hall was entirely filled at the opening hour. The stage was tastefully decorated with flags and Amos H. Schulz presided. Three addresses were delivered…….
At the conclusion of the exercise in the hall, the audience followed the pupils of the school to the High School grounds, where the unveiling took place. Here Mr. Sites spoke appropriately but briefly, concluding with a beautiful poetic tribute to the flag….. Separated from the others are the names of the two young men who died in the service Claude Kriebel and Ralph Cowell.