Worcester School 1930-1939
The Board of School Directors at their meeting on Tuesday night awarded contracts for the addition to the High School. Plans drawn up by Architect Charles M Talley call for a six room addition and some alterations to the present building. The construction contract was awarded to Grove Construction Company, of Willow Grove; plumbing and heating, Jonas G Troxel, of Kulpsville and the electrical work to Cressman and Quillman Company, Norristown. Work will be rushed to an early completion. 3 Jul 1930 – Montgomery Transcript
The work on the alteration and additions at the high school are progressing nicely. Both the architect and the builder assure the board that the alterations will be complete for the opening and the addition will be finished by the second week in September. 17 Jul 1930 – Montgomery Transcript
Spirited bidding featured the offering issue of this bond for Worcester Township, seventeen brokerage houses bid, representing firms of four cities Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Buffalo and New York. The successful bid $104.35 making a total premium of $2, 175 on the $50,000. 21 Aug 1930 – Montgomery Transcript

1930 Worcester 1-2 Grades
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 Atlee Dodge, 3 Harold Heilemann, 4 John Fisher, 5 Arthur Lukens, 6 Tom McClure, 7 George Whittaker
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 Kenny Brunt, 3 Mary Fisher, 4 Lorraine, Landis, 5 ? Czop, 6 Mary Slavick, 7 Anna Jean Bustard, 8 Alice Swoyer, 9 Fred Kurz, 10 Arthur L Bustard
Row 3: 1 Elsie Scatchard, 2 ? Czop, 3 Dot Bidden, 4 unidentified, 5 Irene Good friend, 6 Geraldine Kriebel, 7 Ruth Myers, 8 unidentified
Row 4: 1 Bruce Singer, 2 unidentified, 3 Wilson Fell Jr, 4 Harvey Swoyer, 5 William Goodfriend, 6 Kenny Hayes, 7 Floyd Kriebel
(Notes: Bustard’s were cousins, Czop’s were sisters, Alice Swoyer was cross-eyed)

1930 Worcester 3rd-4th Grades
Row 1: Teacher, 2 Atlee Dodge, 3 John Beyer, 4 Harold Hallman, 5 Jim Hamilton, 6 unidentified, 7 Burton Landis, 8 Joe Czop, 9 Joe Sacks, 10 George Dodge, 11 Howard Kriebel, 12 Laverne Kriebel, 13 unidentified, 14 Bob Scatchard, 15 unidentified
Row 2: 1 Curt Shirey, 2 Bob Gerhart, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Anna Mae Geyer, 6 Margaret Nase, 7 Dorothy Anders, 8 ? Hileman, 9 Bertha Swoyer, 10 Malcolm Schweiker, 11 Alvin Rothenberger, 12 Allan Myers, 13 George Sacks
Row 3: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 Betty McClure, 4 unidentified, 5 Alma Keyser, 6 Dorothy Anders, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified, 9 unidentified, 10 unidentified, 11 unidentified, 12 Helen Bustard, 13 Kathleen Roberts
Row 4: 1 Kenny Hayes, 2 unidentified, 3 Bill Fryling, 4 Ralph Bustard, 5 Harvey Kriebel, 6 Merrill Roberts, 7 Albert Heir, 8 unidentified, 9 unidentified
(Notes: Dodge’s-brothers, Kriebel’s not related, Bustard’s cousins; Burton Landis-Valedictorian, Helen Bustard- Salutatorian)

1930 Worcester 5th-6th Grades
Row 1: 1 Teacher Wilda Ross, 2 Harry Beck, 3 unidentified, 4 Charles Heilemann, 5 Lester Grater, 6 ? Hay, 7 Tom Heilemann, 8 Robert Kriebel, 9 Robert Kriebel, 10 Earl Brooks, 11 Donald Brunt, 12 unidentified, 13 Floyd Heilemann, 14 George Whittaker, 15 Allen Keyser
Row 2: 1 Alberta Shaffer, 2 Elizabeth Hamilton, 3 Louise Jackson, 4 Elizabeth Heilemann, 5 Jane Beswick, 6 unidentified, 7 Virginia Wilson, 8 Mary Geyer, 9 Alverda Grater, 10 unidentified, 11 Alma Bustard, 12 Jean Jones
Row 3: 1 Edna “Dolly” Bahn, 2 Kathryn Bustard, 3 Margaret Styer, 4 Virginia Anders, 5 Virginia Benner, 6 Sara Kriebel, 7 Irma Reiff, 8 Bessie Seitz, 9 Ruth Bean, 10 Doris Rothenberger, 11 Doris Brunt, 12 Gertrude Scatchard
Row 4: 1 Marvin? Cassel, 2 Mill McClure, 3 Willard Schultz, 4 unidentified, 5 Ed Beyer, 6 unidentified, 7 Ralph Shaffer, 8 unidentified, 9 Russel Bahn
(Notes: Bahn’s –twins)

1930 Worcester 7th-8th Grades
Row 1: 1 J Bernard “Tom” Loos, 2 Albert Geyer, 3 Calvin McVaugh, 4 Francis Grater, 5 Abner “Ike” Beyer, 6 Robert Beyer, 7 Elwood Brunt, 8 Paul Pflaumer, 9 Elmer Reiff, 10 Robert Krauss
Row 2: 1 Teacher A Lincoln Anson, 2 Bernice Beyer, 3 Ethel Seipt, 4 Alma Fisher, 5 Ella Mae Beswick, 6 Doris Heebner, 7 Dorothy Ruth, 8 Mildred Orr, 9 Patsy Taylor, 10 Evelyn Beck, 11 Betty Geyer, 12 Lillian Steinberg
Row 3: 1 Margaret Rothenberger, 2 Clara Myers, 3 Jane Schall, 4 Florence Brunner, 5 Viola Anders, 6 Emma Grace Kinsler, 7 Marion Conace, 8 Almeda Hileman, 9 Grace Shepherd, 10 Betty Scatchard, 11 Christine Pflaumer
Row 4: 1 Paul Bean, 2 Clarence Reifsnyder, 3 Thomas Mascaro, 4 Charles Jones, 5 Howard “Jimmy” Rittenhouse, 6 James Conace, 7 Austin Schultz
(Notes: Geyer’s in different families, Conace’s and Pfaumer’s brother and sister, Ike Beyer & Robert Beyer cousins, Bernice Beyer in another family)
The $50,000 annex to the high school building recently completed will be officially dedicated on Wednesday March 11, 1931. Professor A M Kulp, superintendent of Montgomery County schools, will be the principal speaker. 19 Feb 1931 – Montgomery Transcript
The formal dedication of Worcester Junior High School will take place on Wednesday evening, March 11, at 8 o’clock. The principal speaker on the program will be Prof A M Kulp, County Superintendent of Schools. The music will be furnished by the High School Orchestra and chorus. Bibles and flags will be presented to each room by the Council of Independent Americans, of Norristown. 5 Mar 1931 – Montgomery Transcript
The members of the Worcester High School Alumni Association sponsored a testimonial dinner in Community Hall. This place on Wednesday evening November 23, in honor of A Lincoln Anson, who resigned his position as teacher in the Worcester public schools after serving a period of 48 years. There were approximately 75 guests present including members of the Alumni Association, members of the faculty, and friends. The program was opened by the toastmaster, William Lukens, after which testimonial speeches were heard from Miss Marion Styer, Worcester; H K Bean, of Norristown and Ernest A Heebner Supervising principal at Worcester Junior High School. At the close of the program a beautiful reclining chair was presented Mr Anson by the Alumni members as a token of appreciation for his kind service rendered all these years. Singing of old time songs was another feature of the evening. Dancing concluded the evening entertainment. Music was furnished by the Blue Moon Orchestra. The committee in charge of this delightful affair was composed of Miss Cleata Kriebel, Chairman: Miss Leila Reiff, Ruth Landes, Lance Keyser and Dorothy Schultz. 24 Nov 1932 – Montgomery Transcript
Considerable interest was taken in the spelling contest to determine the champion speller in Worcester Township, which was held at Worcester Junior High School on Monday evening. There were seventeen spellers, and it took about an hour to finish the contest. A R Kriebel won the contest, and Mrs Amos H Schultz, a former school teacher, was second, Ernest A Heebner, principal of our schools, was chairman of the contest. Howard B Keyser, principal of the Collegeville High School, pronounced the words and A L Anson, W Earl Markley and Miss Anna Cassel, were judges.
After the contest an old fashioned singing school in which every body took part, with Marvin Brunner as leader, proved almost as interesting as the spelling contest. It was the opinion of all present that more events of this kid both spelling and singing would be beneficial to our schools and our township a well. 22 Mar 1934 – Montgomery Transcript
The schools of this township have been closed since Monday on account of a number of cases of scarlet fever, and it is likely they will remain closed at least another week. The first case developed about three weeks ago, when George, son of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Sacks was stricken. Recent cases include a child of Charles Hayes, Richard Baldes, William Brader, Irene daughter of Roscoe Bookheimer, Thomas Mucsara, a child in the Nester family, and two children in the family of Reuben Kriebel. 19 Mar 1936 – Montgomery Transcript

1937 Worcester School 1st-2nd Grades
Row 1: 1 Wesley Rose, 2 Charles Sibel, 3 Elmer Cole, 4 Wilson Allebach, 5 Earl Bookheimer, 6 Robert Franks, 7 David Hudnut, 8 Ralph Ziegler, 9 unidentified, 10 Paul Clemens, 11 Teacher Miss Adele P Gerbron
Row 2: 1 Nancy Bateman, 2 unidentified, 3 Betty Jane Kriebel, 4 Arlene Rothenberger, 5 Pauline Kriebel, 6 Peggy Johnson, 7 Irene Goodfriend, 8 Pauline Scalise, 9 Thelma Rice
Row 3: 1 George Kurz, 2 Sam Raudenbush, 3 Bob Mitchell, 4 Lester Fryling, 5 Eddie Singer, 6 Harold Mitchel, 7 Joe Bergin
(Notes: Kriebels were cousins)

1937 Worcester 2nd-3rd Grades
Row 1: 1 Jimmy Shermahorn, 2 Fred Heilemann, 3 Billy Brey, 4 Edward Mitchell, 5 Eugene Beyer, 6 Janet Morrison, 7 Maynard Rothenberger, 8 Thomas Geyer, 9 Caldwell “Pete” Ammon, 10 Frank Slavick, 11 Peter Sergei, 12 David Shearer
Row 2: 1 Shirley Wanner, 2 Charlotte Steward, 3 Fay Kriebel, 4 Anna Marie Kriebel, 5 Ellen Brey, 6 Ella May Ludwig, 7 Sylvia Schweiker, 8 Mary Jane McClure, 9 Lillian Law?, 10 Helen Canning
Row 3: 1 George Williams, 2 unidentified, 3 Robert Kennedy, 4 Ernest Iffland, 5 unidentified, 6 Leroy Mitchell
(Notes: Teacher Miss Evelyn Schultz behind Row 1 on right; David Shearer was adopted by Dr. Herbert and Christine Shearer; Kriebels were not sisters, Brey’s were siblings, Mitchell’s were brothers)
Donation from Helen Canning Koons 2012

1937 Worcester School 4th-5th Grades
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 Harold Heilemann, 3 David Ammon, 4 Eugene Ludwig, 5 Robert Heilemann, 6 unidentified, 7 Bobby Hallman, 8 Hiram Brey, 9 Henry Swoyer, 10 Roland “Pokey” Bustard, 11 Teacher Miss Alice Smith
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 Dorothy Fryling, 4 Shirley Justice, 5 Ann Franks, 6 Dorothy Hallowell, 7 unidentified, 8 Laura Jean Kulp, 9 unidentified, 10 unidentified, 11 Ellen Johnson
Row 3: 1 Maynard Rothenberger, 2 Kathryn Long, 3 Thelma Hayes, 4 Emma Wright, 5 unidentified, 6 Gladys Myers, 7 unidentified, 8 Lois Raudenbush, 9 unidentified, 10 Lois Hileman, 11 Gloria Reifsnyder, 12 unidentified
Row 4: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Alan Brooks, 6 Raymond Brooks, 7 Laverne Kriebel, 8 Bobby Brooks, 9 Fred Bookheimer
(Notes: possible Dorothy and Fred Kurz; Harold and Robert Heilemann were brothers, Alan and Raymond Brooks were twins and Bobby Brooks a brother)

1937 Worcester 6th Grade
Row 1: 1 Don Henning Benner, 2 Richard Schultz Schweiker, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Buddy Bidden, 6 unidentified, 7 Barkley Hallowell, 8 Victor Pizzano, 9 Teacher Mrs Schrader
Row 2: 1 William Lance, 2 Stanley Rothenberger, 3 Joyce Mae Green, 4 Arline Wright, 5 unidentified, 6 Florence Anders, 7 Charles Duane Snyder, 8 Lloyd F Fry
Row 3: 1 unidentified, 2 Esther Rittenhouse, 3 Helen Louise Rothenberger, 4 Eleanor May Bergin, 5 Winifred Reiff Landes, 6 Evelyn Irene Myers, 7 Margaret Fisher, 8 unidentified, 9 Grace Laretta Detwiler
Row 4: 1 Charles R Bustard, 2 Calvin Sauers, 3 Henry Brandis, 4 Earl Ritter, 5 Charles Kurz, 6 Charles Mascaro

1937 Worcester 7th Grade
Row 1: 1 Charles Mascaro, 2 unidentified, 3 Bill Morrison, 4 unidentified, 5 Helen Frank, 6 John Geyer, 7 Barclay “Pete” Hallowell, 8 Stanley “June” Geyer Jr, John Anderson
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 Mary Louise Hild, 5 Jane Evans, 6 Estella Butera, 7 Marie Kriebel, 8 Marie Kriebel, 9 unidentified, 10 Mildred Hays, 11 Naomi Stong
Donation from Linda Geyer

1937 Worcester School 8th Grade
Row 1: 1 Willis K Rothenberger, 2 Thomas McClure, 3 William Brook, 4 Atle Dodge, 5 Robert Wright, 6 Ronald Landes, 7 Burton Allebach
Row 2: 1 Arthur Anders Jr, 2 David Dell, 3 Jacob Steinberg, 4 Anna Jean Bustard, 5 Ludmilla Patuch, 6 Anne Dodge, 7 Robert M Rothenberger, 8 Jack Sundin, 9 Eugene Bookheimer
Row 3: 1 Katherine Bookheimer, 2 Ruth Anders, 3 Thelma Bobb, 4 unidentified, 5 Doris Myers, 6 Hazel Nester, 7 unidentified, 8 Dorothy Keller, 9 Grace Marple, 10 Roberta Benner, 11 Arlene Ritter
(Notes: Dodge’s were twins)

1937 Worcester 9th Grade
Row 1: 1 Bob Wilkie, 2 Bob Brader, 3 Curt Shiery, 4 Floyd Heilemann, 5 John Fisher, 6 George Heilemann, 7 John Houpt, 8 Ralph Bustard, 9 Floyd Kriebel, 10 Howard “Reds” Collins
Row 2: 1 Mr. Ernest Heebner, 2 unidentified, 3 William Goodfriend, 4 Louise Shearer, 5 Mary Fisher, 6 Frances Zackarino, 7 Amelia Masters, 8 Louise Daub, 9 John “Possum” Beyer, 10 Paul Beyer, 11 Teacher Miss Ruth Landis, 12 Teacher Kathryn Cassel
Row 3: 1 Mr Harold Kerper, 2 Jean Miller, 3 Ruth Cameron, 4 Katherine Huber, 5 Dot Bidden, 6 Geraldine Kriebel, 7 Eunice “Uly” Sinclair, 8 Francis Hudnut, 9 Eileen Geyer, 10 Lena DiMartino, 11 June Brooks, 12 Irene Bookheimer
Row 4: 1 Art Bustard, 2 Kenny Brunt, 3 Bruce McCann, 4 Jack Pyle, 5 Wilson Fell Jr, 6 Bruce Singer 7 unidentified, 8 Bob Kistler
(Notes: Howard Collins was a redhead; Beyer’s not related)

1937 Worcester 10th Grade Class of 1938
Row 1: 1 George Styer, 2 Albert Heir, 3 Ernest Bobb, 4 Alvin Rothenberger, 5 Frederick Kurz, 6 William Singer, 7 Kenneth M Hayes
Row 2: 1 Mr Ernest Heebner, 2 Ms Ruth Landes, 3 Claire Bishop, 4 Dorothea Grote, 5 Kathryn Graham, 6 Isabel Ziegler, 7 Lorraine R Landes, 8 Ms Kathryn Cassel, Mr Harold G Kerper
Row 3: 1 Mary Emma Cassel, 2 Kathleen Roberts, 3 Ruth Myers, 4 Edgar Petuch, 5 Lavinia Brooks, 6 Irene Goodfriend, 7 unidentified, Louise Brooke
(Notes: George Styer – killed in WWII; Mary Emma and Kathryn Cassel were sisters)

1938 Worcester School Individual Photos abt 3rd-4th Grades
Row 1: 1 Charlotte “Ticker” Steward, 2 Arlene Rothenberger, 3 Mildred Fulmer, 4 Sylvia Schweiker, 5 Helen Canning, 6 Ruth Plummer, 7 Ella Mae Ludwig
Row 2: 1 Adelaide Beyer, 2 Betty Jane Kriebel, 3 Thelma Rice, 4 Lillian “Bootsie” Law, 5 Nancy Bateman, 6 Joan Gordon, 7 Pauline Scalice
Row 3: 1 John Maggs, 2 Ralph Zeigler, 3 David Hudnut, 4 Joe Bergin, 5 Willard Overholtzer, 6 Leroy Mitchell, 7 unidentified
Row 4: 1 David Shearer, 2 Wilson Allebach, 3 Ernest Iffland, 4 Robert Kennedy, 5 William Kalkbrenner, 6 Edward Singer, 7 Charles Sibel
Row 5: 1 John Miller, 2 Harold Mitchell, 3 Paul Passano, 4 Fred Heilemann, 5 William Brey
(Notes: Charlotte “Ticker” Steward’s nickname was given to her by her mother when she was small because she would mimic the tick-tock of the house clock – it became “Ticker” when she started school and she kept it her entire life)

1940 1939 Worcester School 1st and 2nd Grades
Row 1: Dean Cook, 2 Irwin “Jack” Kriebel, 3 Robert Blattner, 4 Carl Meh, 5 Lloyd Rothenberger, 6 Leroy Brey
Row 2: 1 Teacher Miss Adele P Gerbron, 2 William “Bill” Bidden, 3 Bill Waters, 4 Sally Meh, 5 Mary Kulp, 6 Bob McKelvey, 7 John Belzer
Row 3: 1 Edith Kriebel, 2 June Smith, 3 Nancy Goodfriend, 4 Arlene Kriebel, 5 Phyllis Heebner, 6 Patsy ?, 7 ? Gray, 8 Ella Anson, 9 Roseanne Johnson
Row 4: 1 unidentified, 2 Donald Reiff, 3 Marvin Brooks, 4 ? Johnson, Jr. 5 Sammy Scalese, 6 unidentified
(Notes: possible Virginia Kriebel)

1940 1939 Worcester School 2nd-3rd Grades
Row 1: 1 Miss Evelyn Schultz, 2 Ronald “Stinky” Fish, 3 Leroy Becker, 4 Willard Overholtzer, 5 Joseph John Bergin, 6 Paul Clemens, 7 Robert Frank, 8 Bobby Sibel
Row 2: 1 Ralph Ziegler, 2 Elmer Cole, 3 Dick Kriebel, 4 Pauline Kriebel, 5 Joan Gordon, 6 Charles Sibel, 7 Earl Bookheimer, 8 C David Hudnut
Row 3: 1 Thelma Rice, 2 Pauline Scalise, 3 Nancy Bateman, 4 Adelaide Beyer, 5 Peggy Johnson, 6 Sarah Long, 7 Jan Kriebel, 8 Lillian Law
Row 4: 1 George Kurz, 2 Lester Fryling, 3 Eddie Singer, 4 Bobby Mitchell, 5 Sam Raudenbush, 6 Leroy Mitchell
(Notes: Mitchell’s were twins, Kriebels were cousins, Sibels were brothers; married name Lillian Law-Quinn)

1940 1939 Worcester School 4th-5th Grades
Row 1: 1 Teacher Miss Alice Smith, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 Robert Kennedy, 5 William Brey, 6 Fred Heilemann, 7 Ernest Iffland
Row 2: 1 Caldwell Ammon, 2 Donald Sinclair, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Eugene Beyer, 6 Peter Sergei, 7 David Shearer, 8 Tom Geyer
Row 3: 1 Dorothy Brandis, 2 Ellen Brey, 3 Shirley Brown, 4 Dorothy Hallowell, 5 Patsy “Ann” Schweiker, 6 unidentified, 7 Janet Morrison
Row 4: 1 Sylvia Schweiker, 2 Arlene Rothenberger, 3 Anna Marie Kriebel, 4 Faye Kriebel, 5 Ella Mae Ludwig, 6 Charlotte Steward, 7 Helen Canning, 8 Ruth Plummer
Row 5: 1 Leroy Mitchell, 2 Louis Sauers, 3 Wilson Allebach, 4 unidentified, 5 Edward Singer
(Notes: possible – Mildred Fulmer, Betty Jane Kriebel, Ralph Ziegler, Paul Passano, Harold Mitchell, John Miller, John Maggs, William Kalkbrenner; Kriebels not related)

1940 1939 Worcester School 6th Grade
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 John Patterson, 3 Hiram Brey
Row 2: 1 Miss Grace Carver, 2 Herbert “Buddy” Emerson, 3 Maynard Rothenberger, 4 Conard Hallowell, 5 Harold Heilemann, 6 Jack Waters, 7 Henry? Swoyer
Row 3: 1 Madeline Harris, 2 Phyllis Brandt, 3 Ellen Johnson, 4 Shirley Justice, 5 Laura Kulp
Row 4: 1 Thelma Hayes, 2 unidentified, 3 Catherine Mitchell, 4 Lois Hileman, 5 Emma Wright, 6 Kathryn Long, 7 Gloria Reifsnyder, 8 Lois Raudenbush
Row 5: 1 Blaine Harteg, 2 Melvin Brandis, 3 unidentified, 4 Laverne “Sonny” Kriebel, 5 Bobby Brooks
1939 Worcester School 7th Grade
Row 1: 1 Joe Harris, 2 Mr Harold Kerper, 3 Miss Adele Morrow, 4 Mr Ernest Heebner, 5 Ms Ruth Landis, 6 Mr John Scholl, 7 Ernest Long
Row 2: 1 William Brader, 2 unidentified, 3 Charles Harteg, 4 unidentified, 5 Charles Kurz, 6 Eugene Ludwig, 7 J Roland “Pokey” Bustard, 8 Charles Mascaro, 9 Charles Smith
Row 3: 1 Bobby Hallman, 2 Stanley Rothenberger, 3 George Heilemann, 4 David Ammon, 5 Bill Markley, 6 Frank Bishop
Row 4: 1 Sarah Long, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 Dorothy Hallowell, 5 Evelyn Brandt, 6 unidentified, 7 Dorothy Fryling
Row 5: 1 Barbara Jean Singer, 2 Shirley Schweiker, 3 unidentified, 4 Arlene Anders, 5 Anna Harteg, 6 Gladys Meyers, 7 June Dell
Row 6: 1 Fred Bookheimer, 2 Raymond Brooks, 3 Alan Brooks, 4 Billy Law
(Notes: Mr Kerper taught gym and science, Miss Morrow taught music and had a convertible car; Shirley Schweiker was the dau of Roy; Raymond and Alan Brooks were twins)

1940 1939 Worcester School 8th Grade
Row 1: 1 George Miller, 2 Richard “Dick” Schweiker, 3 Mr Harold G Kerper, 4 Miss Ruth Landis, 5 Mr Ernest Heebner, 6 Miss Morrow, 7 Mr John Scholl, 8 Victor Pizzano, 9 Henry Brandis
Row 2: 1 Robert Cassel, 2 Stanley Geyer, Jr, 3 Don Benner, 4 Jack Geyer, 5 Barklay Hallowell, 6 Charles Bustard, 7 Duane Snyder
Row 3: 1 Elaine Emerson, 2 Florence Anders, 3 Arline Wright, 4 Maureen Kennedy, 5 Eleanor Beyer, 6 Ruth Alderfer, 7 Lois Patterson
Row 4: 1 Mary Sandlow, 2 Winifred Landis, 3 Margaret Fisher, 4 Bertha Swoyer, 5 Dorothy Evans, 6 Eleanor Bergin, 7 Alice Reichenbach, 8 Nancy Stewart
Row 5: 1 Mary Kurz, 2 Grace Detwiler, 3 Joyce Green, 4 Evelyn Meyers, 5 Jane Slavick, 6 Esther Rittenhouse, 7 Celestia Cardeza
Row 6: 1 Lloyd Fry, 2 William Lange, 3 Calvin Sowers, 4 Charles “Peanut” Mascaro

1940 1939 Worcester School 9th Grade
Row 1: 1 Mr. Harold Kerper, Ms Ruth Landis, Mr. Ernest Heebner, Miss Adele Morrow, Mr. John Scholl
Row 2: 1 Joseph Law, 2 John W Anderson, 3 Robert Rothenberger, 4 William Morrison
Row 3: 1 Marie Kriebel, 2 Helen Frank, 3 Jane Evans
Row 4: 1 Catherine Mascaro, 2 Dorothy Bookheimer, 3 Delores Sowers, 4 Mar Louise Hild, 5 Mildred Hayes, 6 Doris Kunkle
(Notes: married names – Landis-Woodward, Hild-Graham)

1940 1939 Worcester 10th Grade Class of 1940
Row 1: 1 Harold Kerper, 2 Ruth Landes, 3 Ernest Heebner, 4 Adele Morrow, 5 John Scholl
Row 2: 1 Eugene A Bookheimer, 2 John L Wentworth, 3 William M Kelly
Row 3: 1 Arthur S Anders, Jr, 2 John A “Jack” Sndin, 3 Burton K Allebach, 4 Robert “Bob” Wright, 5 Ronald R “Ron” Landes, 6 Thomas W “Tom” McClure, 7 Jacob L “Jake” Steinberg, 8 David W Dell
Row 4: 1 Doris Pearl Myers, 2 Barbara W Cardeza, 3 Ruth A Anders, 4 Roberta A Benner
Row 5: Dorothy Speller, 2 Grace A Marple, 3 Katherine Bookheimer, 4 Thelma W Bobb, 5 Georgia B Brooks, 6 Dorothy Keller
(Notes: Bill Kelly killed in Trolley Accident; Jack Sundin committed suicide; Barbara Cardeza’s father was a navy admiral; Roberta Benner and Doris Myers both became nurses)