Worcester School 1950-1959

1950 Worcester School 1St Grade
Row 1: 1 Ken Brooks, 2 Ron Stewart, 3 unidentified, 4 Chucky Long, 5 Clinton Bean, 6 unidentified, 7 Edward Ziegler, 8 Edward Bean
Row 2: 1 Robert Krauss, 2 Leslie Jones, 3 Bill Bosler, 4 Philip Schultz, 5 unidentified, 6 unidentified, 7 Edmund Moyer, 8 unidentified, 9 Ms Kathryn Cassel Kauffman
Row 3: 1 unidentified, 2 Dave Love Townsend, 3 Joan Dechant, 4 Beulah Clemens, 5 Joan Wolfington, 6 Barbara Armstrong, 7 Phyllis Lord, 8 Bob Heist, 9 Dennis Allebach
Row 4: 1 Peggy Kibblehouse, 2 Eleanor Jenkins, 3 Kathy Lauman, 4 unidentified, 5 Doris McDermott, 6 Judy Brunt, 7 Ellen Lipp, 8 Barbara Farrington
(Notes: Beans not related)

1950 Worcester School 2nd Grade
Row 1: 1 Richard Heebner, 2 Keith Reichenbach, 3 Dennis Cook, 4 John Schott, 5 unidentified, 6 Robert Brandis, 7 John Beyer
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 George Hibbs, 3 John Humphrey, 4 unidentified, 5 Curtis Weigner, 6 Roger Place, 7 Jim Chambers, 8 unidentified, 9 unidentified, 10 Fred Lauman
Row 3: 1 Ms Betty Stewart Starkey, 2 Carlin Reinert, 3 Patricia Schultz, 4 Doris Beyer, 5 Helen Drexler, 6 Thelma Schott, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified, 9 Linda McClure, 10 Tom Lacey
Row 4: 1 Jack Karcher, 2 Sandy Kline, 3 Ruth Clemmer, 4 Claudia Dalton, 5 Polly Lord, 6 Lynn Keir, 7 Beatrice Kriebel, 8 Irene Righter, 9 Joyce Johnson
(Notes: John Beyer killed in a car crash; Notice boys’ striped shirts – the “in” fad)

1950 Worcester School 3rd Grade
Row 1: 1 Bruce Palmer, 2 Ed Lacey, 3 David Todd
Row 2: 1 Bob Steele, 2 Fred Boose, 3 Alan King, 4 Glenn Ritter, 5 Lee Brooke, 6 Jimmy Plummer, 7 Leslie Anders, 8 Elizabeth Krause
Row 3: 1 Jackie Beu, 2 Roy Reyburn, 3 Mary Clemens, 4 Linda Townsend, 5 Patsy McDermont, 6 Babette Eberle, 7 Radcliffe Farley, 8 Chip Stewart
Row 4: 1 Betsy Clemmer, 2 Betty Fulmer, 3 Dolores Kidd, 4 Nancy Lapp, 5 Connie Lamont, 6 Marie Hilbert, 7 Jeanie Binns, 8 Carol Krieble
(Notes: Leslie Anders almost deaf)

1950 Worcester School 4th Grade
Row 1: 1 Sherman Heebner, 2 Alvin Kidd, 3 Lloyd Steelman, 4 Ronald Miko, 5 Dean Hibbs, 6 Boyd Stitt,
Row 2: 1 Howard Green, 2 Gordon Todd, 3 Beverly Haines, 4 Lucille Rothenberger, 5 Frances Doak, 6 Bobby Schultz, 7 Jimmy Bobb, 8 Elaine Ford
Row 3: 1 Sandy Corrigan, 2 Emma Kidd, 3 Thelma Eberle, 4 Nancy Beyer, 5 Suzanne Rayburn, 6 Janice Hill, 7 Marie Lauman
Row 4: 1 Sondra Farley, 2 Ruth Ann Grater, 3 Carol Ann Crist, 4 Peggy Thomas, 5 Marion Heist, 6 Naomi McKendrick, 7 Carol Hopf, 8 Joan Johnson

1950 Worcester School 5th Grade
Row 1: 1 William Stewart, 2 Dickie Long, 3 John Dettra, 4 Robert Paton, 5 unidentified, 6 Aaron Fair, 7 Paul Akins
Row 2: 1 Gilbert Kriebel, 2 unidentified, 3 Lois Heebner, 4 Beverly Haines, 5 Betty Jane Bean, 6 Shirley Lord, 7 Calvin Collins, 8 Jack Wood, 9 Ms Alice Smith
Row 3: 1 Jane Mascaro, 2 Roberta Palmer, 3 Barbara Anders, 4 Joyce Kibblehouse, 5 Janice Waters, 6 Sara Lou Hitchens, 7 Diane Love, 8 Sandra Schwab

1950 Worcester School 6th Grade
Row 1: 1 Fred Lauman, 2 David Clemens, 3 Roland Solomon, 4 David McClure, 5 Robert Binns, 6 Harry Mills, 7 David Magill
Row 2: 1 Carl Geyer, 2 John Haines, 3 Jimmy Fetterman, 4 Richard Ditzler, 5 Joe Kennedy, 6 David Rothenberger, 7 Terry Schultz, 8 R Glen Brown
Row 3: 1 Donald MacArthur, 2 Carlin Reinert, 3 Janice Bateman, 4 Grace Harper, 5 Nancy Doak, 6 Patricia Young, 7 Sue King, 8 Nancy Clearwater, 9 Bob Kline, 10 Ms Genevieve Smith Landis
Row 4: 1 Jackie DelSordo, 2 Anita Johnson, 3 Patricia Effland, 4 Marian, Schultz, 5 Audrey Mayberry, 6 Pauline Akins, 7 Thelma Shotts
(Notes: Donald MacArthur yodels)

1950 Worcester School 7th Grade
Row 1: 1 Karl Roth, 2 Jim Hartman, 3 Archibald Space, 4 Alfred Mayberry, 5 Jack Kibblehouse
Row 2: 1 Mr Stuart Ulrich, 2 Tom Mascaro, 3 Tom McKendrick, 4 Henry Collins, 5 Carl Townsend, 6 Herb Schwab, 7 Alan Hill, 8 Earl Snyder
Row 3: 1 Frances Kriebel, 2 Donnabelle Green, 3 Dorothy Rice, 4 Phyllis Smith, 5 Mary Lou Sibel, 6 Mildred Kindlan, 7 Betty Eleazer
Row 4: 1 Betty Nester, 2 Carol Wallace, 3 Blanche Jenkins, 4 Barbara Kriebel, 5 Carol Arnold, 6 Marie Zern, 7 Edna Jane Schultz

1950 Worcester School 9th Grade
Row 1: 1 Charles Huegel, 2 Stephen Smith
Row 2: 1 Royce Heebner, 2 Richard Kalkbrenner, 3 David King, 4 Louis Shipper, 5 Newell Allebach, 6 Wesley Beyer, 7 Ronald Walsh, 8 Bill McArthur
Row 3: 1 Stephen Palmer, 2 Mr John Scholl, 3 Mr Ernest Heebner, 4 Ms Marguerite Weaver, 5 Mr Stuart Ulrich, 6 unidentified
Row 4: Bev Love, 2 Jane Collins, 3 Carol Reinert, 4 Shirley Dettra, 5 Betty Akins, 6 Phyllis Wierman

1951 Worcester 1st Grade
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 Donald Akins, 3 unidentified, 4 Harrison Kibblehouse, 5 Richard Stehman, 6 John Hill, 7 Kim Rothenberger, 8 unidentified
Row 2: 1 Ms Kathryn Cassel Kauffman, 2 Richard Brunt, 3 Ted Lenhart, 4 Paul Young, 5 Bob Bosler, 6 Jim Brady, 7 Keith Wierman, 8 Ron Krauss, 9 Ken Miko, 10 Jim Anderson
Row 3: 1 Susan Angstead, 2 Meriam Detra, 3 Elaine Rosenberger, 4 Sara Beyer, 5 Carol Brown, 6 Isabelle Pettit, 7 Sandy Shiery, 8 Kathy Weigner, 9 Gail ?, 10 Cheryl Friedeborne, 11 Linda Allebach
Row 4: 1 Pam Rosenberger, 2 Kathy Haldeman, 3 Joy Davidson, 4 Grace Houpt, 4 Sylvia Kerper, 5 unidentified, 6 Betty Lou Brooks, 7 Linda Solomon
Donated by Sara Beyer Borr

1953 Worcester School 1st Grade
Row 1: 1 Tim Quay, 2 Steve Quay, 3 Billie Schaffer, 4 unidentified, 5 Albert “Bruzzy” Platt, 6 unidentified
Row 2: 1 Ms Katherine Cassel Kauffman, 2 Howard James, 3 Jim Corrigan, 4 Howard Schultz, 5 David Steele, 6 unidentified, 7 Tony Kidd, 8 Brad Lenhart, 9 unidentified
Row 3: 1 Jim Lenhart, 2 Dick Acker, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Martha Gotwals, 6 Peter Crow, 7 Jack Wilhelm
Row 4: 1 Sharon Maynes, 2 Ethel Heil, 3 Linda Royle, 4 Cynthia Stehman, 5 Linda Eaton, 6 Judy Barber, 7 Joanne Hallman, 8 Ann Thompson
(Notes: Jimmy Thompson was in this class but had the measles)

1953 Worcester School 1st-2nd Grades
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 Jack Schantz, 3 Richard Fetterman, 4 unidentified, 5 Frank Heidel, 6 unidentified
Row 2: 1 Ms Gertrude Beals, 2 George Gaynor, 3 unidentified, 4 Howard Brunner, 5 Ricky Reichenbach, 6 David Kyler, 7 Lane Seifert, 8 Bobby Jones, 9 Alan Rothenberger
Row 3: 1 Gary Hartenstein, 2 Margie Kratz, 3 Norma Binns, 4 Linda Hill, 5 Judy Schroyer, 6 Susie Belzer, 7 unidentified
Row 4: 1 Linda Lick, 2 Jane Allerton, 3 Cynthia Stephman, 4 Linda Cardy, 5 Lori Mayhew, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 Adrienne Daub
(Notes: David Kyler became a teacher at Worcester/Methacton)

1953 Worcester School 2nd Grade
Row 1: 1 Dennis Schultz, 2 Randy Plummer, 3 Jonathan Stewart, 4 John Beyer, 5 Bobby Granger, 6 Harry Carfagno
Row 2: 1 Ms Elizabeth Starkey, 2 John Wambold, 3 James Flannery, 4 Scott Wilhelm, 5 David Prouty, 6 John Gabel, 7 Bob Shimer, 8 David Loeb
Row 3: 1 Tim Dibble, 2 Wilbur Lapp, 3 John Chambers, 4 Cynthia Hayes, 5 Sandy Haines, 6 Sue Johnson, 7 Richard “Dick” Place, 8 David “Dave” Place, 9 Bobby Kriebel
Row 4: 1 Virginia Smith, 2 Canby Smith, 3 Debbie Schlosses, 4 Myrna Smith, 5 Debbie Sieger, 6 Betty Lou Brooks, 7 Barbara Wolf, 8 Judy Lauman
(Notes: Dick and Dave Place were twins)

Worcester School 1953 3rd Grade
Row 1: 1 Newman Stemple, 2 unidentified, 3 Donald Akins, 4 Robert Jones, 5 Richard Brunt, 6 Wayne Eaton, 7 Dan Dawson
Row 2: 1 Ms Elizabeth Krause, 2 Richard Stehman, 3 David Kidd, 4 Keith Weirman, 5 Bob Bosler, 6 Paul Young, 7 Ron Krauss, 8 Harrison Kibblehouse, 9 Kenny Miko
Row 3: 1 Denise Cover, 2 Sandra Shiery, 3 Nancy Platt, 4 Cheryl Friedeborn, 5 unidentified, 6 Carol Thompson, 7 Sara “Sally” Beyer, 8 Linda Allebach
Row 4: 1 Martha Lanz, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Kathy Weigner, 6 Grace Houpt, 7 unidentified, 8 Sylvia Kerper
Row 5: 1 Ron Hill, 2 Teddy Bean, 3 Teddy Lenhart
Donated by Sara Beyer Borr

1953 Worcester School 4th Grade
Row 1: 1 Bill Jones, 2 Bill Weigner, 3 Eddie Dawson, 4 Wayne Sieger, 5 Rick Granger, 6 Gary Brader, 7 Bobby Righter
Row 2:1 Elaine Ford, 2 Larry Aspen, 3 Peter Tyson, 4 Bruce Brown, 5 Bill Muller, 6 Bob Heist, 7 Bill Eleazer, 8 Ken Wetzel
Row 3: 1 Bob Dibble, 2 David Wood, 3 Lois Kibblehouse, 4 Karen Riley, 5 Ann Lenhart, 6 Loretta Dalton, 7 Marilyn Anders, 8 Stacia Dawson, 9 Paul Betz, 10 Barry Bishop
Row 4: 1 Barbara Godshall, 2 Elsie Drexler, 3 Jean Yeakel, 4 Sara Lauman, 5 Norma Walsh, 6 Barbara Bean, 7 Carol Lee Grater, 8 Nancy Flannery, 9 Caroline Fetterman, 10 Joan Brown
Row 6: 1 Earl Cassel, 2 Kenny Brooks, 3 Albert Sellers, 4 Lee Schantz

1953 Worcester School 5th Grade
Row 1: 1 Leslie Jones, 2 unidentified, 3 Fred Hill, 4 unidentified, 5 Paul Lungren, 6 unidentified, 7 Robert Krauss
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 Jack Kelly, 3 Billy Bosler, 4 John Wolfenden, 5 Beulah Clemens, 6 Dave Townsend, 7 unidentified, 8 Eddie Welsh
Row 3: 1 Jeanie Heagy, 2 Carolyn Smith, 3 unidentified, 4 Carol Teepel, 5 Joan Dechant, 6 unidentified, 7 Peggy Kibblehouse, 8 Marilyn Thomas, 9 Ms Alice Smith
Row 4: 1 Barbara Farrington, 2 Judy Brunt, 3 Sarah Lauman, 4 Janet Lanz, 5 Sandy Gabel, 6 Ellen Lipp, 7 Mary Kriebel
Row 5: 1 Chip Stewart, 2 Ron Stewart, 3 unidentified, 4 Steve Shuppe, 5 Clinton Bean, 6 Edward Bean
(Notes: possible Jim Scattergood; Bobby Dibble later had store in Cedars; Bean’s not related; Billy Bosler always in trouble, blamed for everything whether he did it or not)

1953 Worcester School 6th Grade
Row 1: 1 Barry Lenhart, 2 Curt Weigner, 3 Bill McCallum 4 Alan King, 5 David Wetzel, 6 Roger Place, 7 Fred Lauman
Row 2: 1 Ms Genevieve Smith, 2 Jack Beu, 3 Jack Karcher, 4 Lynn Keir, 5 Linda McClure, 6 Jimmy Chambers, 7 Bob Brandis
Row 3: 1 Margie Belzer, 2 Kathleen Kelly, 3 Patricia Schultz, 4 Doris Beyer, 5 Thelma Schott, 6 Carlin Reinert, 7 Patsy Bishop
Row 4: 1 Irene Righter, 2 Joyce Johnson, 3 Helen Drexler, 4 Sandy Kline, 5 Claudia Dalton, 6 Ruth Clemmer, 7 Beatrice Kriebel
Row 5: 1 Richard Heebner, 2 Dennis Cook, 3 Johnny Beyer

1953 Worcester School 7th Grade
Row 1: 1 David Todd, 2 Radcliff Farley, 3 Walter Shoppe, 4 Jimmy Plummer, 5 Glen Ritter, 6 Charles Liskiewicz, 7 Bob Kline
Row 2: 1 Gilbert Kriebel, 2 Butch Stewart, 3 Ron Granger, 4 Jack Wood, 5 Alvin Kidd, 6 Howard Dutton, 7 Bob Steele
Row 3: 1 Mr Ed Sela, 2 unidentified, 3 Patsy McDermott, 4 Linda Townsend, 5 Beverly Haines, 6 Cosie Dawson, 7 unidentified, 8 Jean Binns, 9 Mr Stuart Ulrich
Row 4: 1 Leslie Anders, 2 Betsy Clemmer, 3 Dolores Kidd, 4 Mary Clemens, 5 Betty Fulmer, 6 unidentified, 7 Nancy Lapp, 8 unidentified, 9 Jerry Lawrence
(Notes: Ed Sela was a student teacher from Ursinus teaching math)

1953 Worcester School 8th Grade
Row 1: 1 Bob Paton, 2 Ronald Miko, 3 Barry Conrad, 4 Howard Green, 5 Dean Hibbs
Row 2: 1 Ms Jane E Gulick, 2 Larry Davis, 3 Jim Bobb, 4 Peggy Thomas, 5 Ruth Grater, 6 Gordon Todd, 7 Sherman Heebner, 8 Mr Joseph Olsen
Row 3: 1 Jane Fisher, 2 Marie Lauman, 3 Lucille Rothenberger, 4 Frances Doak, 5 Gail Smith, 6 Janice Hill, 7 Nancy Beyer, 8 Sandra Corrigan
Row 4: 1 George Dawson, 2 Sondra Farley, 3 Diane Bishop, 4 Nancy Kriebel, 5 Marion Heist, 6 Carol Crist, 7 Joan Johnson, 8 Linda Conrad, 9 John Granger
(Notes: Conrads were brother and sister; Jane E Gulick was a substitute from Lower Merion for Ms Marguerite Weaver)

1953 Worcester School 9th Grade Class of 1954
TWO classes were graduated in 1953, both 9th and 10th grades
Row 1: 1 Butch Stewart, 2 Bob Beu, 3 Calvin Collins, 4 Fred Kriebel, 5 Dick Long
Row 2: 1 Mr Stuart Ulrich, 2 Mr John Scholl, 3 Ms Jane E Gulick, 4 Mr Ernest Heebner, 5 Mr Ed Sela, 6 Mr Joseph Olsen
Row 3: 1 Barbara Anders, 2 Loretta Young, 3 Sara Lou Hitchens, 4 Ginny Blattner, 5 Betty Jane Bean, 6 Lois Heebner, 7 Joyce Kibblehouse
Row 4: 1 Connie Kuntz, 2 Delma Looper, 3 Betty Smith, 4 Barbara Dechant, 5 Diane Love, 6 Sandra Schwab, 7 Jane Mascaro
(Notes: Jane E Gulick was a substitute from Lower Merion for Ms Marguerite Weaver)

1955 Worcester School 1st Grade
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 Joe Farris, 4 Mike Sherry, 5 unidentified, 6 Andy Quay, 7 Paul Kriebel
Row 2: Ms. Katherine Cassel, 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 unidentified, 6 John Brunner, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified
Row 3: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Antoinette Jordan, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified, 9 unidentified, 10 unidentified
Row 4: 1 unidentified, 2 Karen Pfulgfelter, 3 Kathy Keyser, 4 unidentified, 5 Helen Elizabeth Scheid, 6 Carol Ann Bean, 7 Mary Ann Heebner, 8 Sandy Bean
(Notes: First class to graduate 12th grade from Methacton High School)
Does anyone have an undamaged version of this photo?
We’d love to hear from you!

1955 Worcester School 2nd Grade
Row 1: 1 Herbert Eagens, 2 Gary Allebach, 3 unidentified, 4 Richard Krauss, 5 unidentified, 6 unidentified, 7 Dwight White, 8 Charles “Chickie” Kulp
Row 2: 1 Robert “BJ” Comfort, 2 William Kehr, 3 Jim Lenhart, 4 Larry Siddons, 5 Jack Dawson, 6 David McClure, 7 Andy Shimer
Row 3: 1 Jim Marple, 2 Tom “Stinky” Bosler, 3 Fred Underkoffler, 4 Nancy Lobb, 5 Linda Eaton, 6 Linda Murphy, 7 Freddy Gabel, 8 Lee Schroyer, 9 Donald Brandis
Row 4: 1 Marjorie Yeakel, 2 Cindy Aspen, 3 Carol Lawrence, 4 Nancie Loeb, 5 Gail Miller, 6 Sherry Conrad, 7 Sharon Barrett, 8 Judy Malavoso

1955 Worcester School 3rd Grade
Row 1: 1 Richard Fetterman, 2 Frank Heilemann, 3 Tim Quay, 4 Steve Quay, 5 Bradley Lenhart, 6 James Thompson
Row 2: 1 Elizabeth Krause, 2 unidentified, 3 Jack Wilhelm, 4 Dick Acker, 5 Howard Schultz, 6 Steven Bolger, 7 George Gaynor, 8 Peter Crow
Row 3: 1 Howard James, 2 Joanne Hallman, 3 unidentified, 4 Ann Weidemeyer, 5 Marjorie Kratz, 6 Judy Schaower, 7 Linda Forsyth, 8 David Fermer,
Row 4: 1 Donna Cover, 2 Marilyn Thompson, 3 Cindy Griner, 4 Joan Houseal, 5 Cynthia Stehman, 6 Linda Lick, 7 unidentified, 8 Ann Potter
(Notes: Quays were twins, Thompsons not related)

1955 Worcester School 3rd-4th Grade
Row 1: 1 Harry Carfagno, 2 Bobby Kriebel, 3 David Loeb, 4 Billy Shaffer, 5 Mrs Gertrude Beals
Row 2: 1 David Prouty, 2 Dennis Ickes, 3 Arthur Forbes, 4 Scott Wilhelm, 5 Leslie Crist, 6 David Steele, 7 James Flannery
Row 3: 1 Sharon Maynes, 2 Judith Barber, 3 Barbara Wolf, 4 Ann Elizabeth Thompson, 5 Cynthia Hayes, 6 Linda Royle, 7 Judy Lauman

1955 Worcester School 4th Grade
Row 1: 1 Ms Mary Anne Helweg Hager, 2 Kennis Schultz, 3 Kenny Houseal, 4 Howard Brunner, 5 Wilbur Lapp, 6 Dick Place, 7 Wayne Eaton, 8 Bob Shimer, 9 Tim Dibble, 10 Howard Fields, 11 John Wambold
Row 2: 1 Jimmy Lauman, 2 Randy Plummer, 3 John Chambers, 4 Linda Hill, 5 Sandy Haines, 6 Norma Binns, 7 John Gabel, 8 Alan Stehman, 9 Jonathan Stewart
Row 3: 1 Canby Smith, 2 Debbie Schlosser, 3 Jane Allerton, 4 Arlene Moyer, 5 Debbie Sieger, 6 Myrna Smith, 7 Susie Belzer, 8 Betty Lou Brooks
Row 4: 1 Alan Rothenberger, 2 Bob “Jack” Schantz, 3 unidentified, 4 Bobby Jones
(Notes: Ms Hager married again Moore)

Worcester School 1955 5th Grade
Row 1: 1 Richard Brunt, 2 Fred Hill, 3 Phil Fermier, 4 Bobby Jones, 5 Teddy Bean, 6 Daniel Dawson, 7 Teddy Lenhart, 8 David Kidd
Row 2: 1 Ms Alice Smith, 2 Jim Brady, 3 Keith Wierman, 4 Harrison Kibblehouse, 5 Bob Bosler, 6 Ricky Granger, 7 Ronald Razor, 8 Ronald Krauss, 9 Paul Young
Row 3: 1 Kim Rothenberger, 2 Kathy Weigner, 3 Sandra Shiery, 4 Martha Lanz, 5 Linda Allebach, 6 Ann Lenhart, 7 Isabelle Pettit, 8 Carolyn Forbes, 9 Nancy Platt, 10 Alan Stehman
Row 4: 1 Barbara Schuler, 2 Sylvia Kerper, 3 Susan Epprecht, 4 Grace Houpt, 5 Carol Thompson, 6 Denise Cover, 7 Barbara Koffel, 8 Sara “Sally” Beyer, 9 Elizabeth “Liz” Heagy
Row 5: 1 Scott Murphy, 2 Tony Malvoso, 3 Kenny Brooks, 4 Donald Akins, 5 Lonnie Stemple, 6 Kenny Miko
Donated by Sara Beyer Borr

1955 Worcester School 6th Grade
Row 1: 1 Bob Dibble, 2 Andy Thompson, 3 Larry Aspen, 4 Bobby Heist, 5 Kenny Wetzel, 6 David Wood
Row 2: 1 Miss Joan Thomas, 2 Steve Shoppe, 3 Ed Welsh, 4 Ed Dawson, 5 William Norman Muller, 6 Leslie Jones, 7 Bill Jones, 8 Bruce Brown, 9 Robin Hilderbrand, 10 Billy Elazer,
Row 3: 1 Beverly Royal, 2 Lois Kibblehouse, 3 Loretta Dawton,, 4 Stacia Dawson, 5 Marilyn Anders, 6 Nancy Flannery, 7 Joan Brown, 8 Shirley Razor
Row 4: 1 Sara Lauman, 2 Elsie Drexler, 3 Sue Tyson, 4 Barbara Bean, 5 Carol Grater, 6 Sharon Ickes, 7 Carolyn Fetterman, 8 Norma Welsh, 9 Jean Yeakle
Row 5: 1 Lee Schantz, 2 Earl Cassel, 3 Barry Bishop, 4 Paul Betz, 5 Billy Weigner

1955 Worcester School 7th Grade
Row 1: 1 Jim Jordan, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 Harris Gramm, 5 Russell Bryant, 6 Phil Schultz, 7 Jack Kelly
Row 2: 1 Fred Hill, 2 Robert Moore, 3 Russell Eprecht, 4 unidentified, 5 Bill Bosler, 6 Dave Townsend, 7 Ms Fay Frick
Row 3: 1 Mr John Scholl, 2 Clara Reinert, 3 Beulah Clemens, 4 Sandy Gabel, 5 Joan Dechant, 6 Joan Wolfingden, 7 Doris McDermott, 8 Carolyn Smith, 9 Peggy Kibblehouse, 10 Carol Teepel
Row 4: 1 Ron Stewart, 2 Judy Brunt, 3 Marilyn Thomas, 4 Janet Lanz, 5 Jean Heagy, 6 Catherine Lauman, 7 Ellen Lipp, 8 Barbara Farrington, 9 Robert Krauss
Row 5: 1 Clinton Bean, 2 Ken Harding, 3 Joe Farris, 4 Jack Schuler, 5 Edmund Moyer, 6 Edward Bean
(Notes: Beans not related)

1955 Worcester School 8th Grade
Row 1: 1 John Blattner, 2 Barry Lenhart, 3 Jack Karcher, 4 Bob Brandis, 5 Fred Lauman, 6 Roger Place
Row 2: 1 Jim Chambers, 2 Alan King, 3 Bill McCallum, 4 James Bard, 5 Steve Norcross, 6 Dave Wetzel, 7 Jack Beu, 8 Ms Fay Frick
Row 3: 1 Mr John Scholl, 2 Margie Belzer, 3 Carol Ferris, 4 Thelma Schott, 5 Linda McClure, 6 Patti Schultz, 7 Lynn Keir, 8 Doris Beyer, 9 Rhodelia Hurst, 10 Kathy Kelly
Row 4: 1 Curtis Weigner, 2 Richard Heebner, 3 Mary Kay, 4 Sandy Kline, 5 Wendy Boelker, 6 Patricia Bishop, 7 Claudia Dalton, 8 Helen Drexler, 9 Beatrice Kriebel, 10 John Beyer, 11 Dennis Cook
Donated by Stuart Ulrich

1955 Worcester School 9th Grade Class of 1956
Row 1: 1 Charles Liekiewicz, 2 Gilbert Kriebel, 3 Glenn Ritter, 4 Bill Harding, 5 Radcliff Farley
Row 2: 1 Mr John Scholl, 2 Howard Dutton, 3 Bobby Steele, 4 George Dawson, 5 Jimmy Plummer, 6 Robert Paton, 7 Ms Faye Frick
Row 3: 1 Bob Kline, 2 Leslie Anders, 3 Patsy McDermott, 4 Cosie Dawson, 5 Linda Townsend, 6 David Todd, 7 Jerry Lawrence
Row 4: 1 Delores Kidd, 2 Betty Fulmer, 3 Carol Larry, 4 Nancy Lapp, 5 Jean Binns, 6 unidentified

1958 Worcester School 1st Grade
Row 1: 1 George Curylo, 2 John Bustard, 3 Joe Lick, 4 Bruce Moyer, 5 David Brunner, 6 Jimmy Miller, 7 John “Skip” Schnaithmann
Row 2: 1 Ms Roseann Insull, 2 John Jordan, 3 Ricky Smith, 4 Dennis Metzger, 5 Steve Keyser, 6 todd Fair, 7 Guy Brunt, 8 Ken Thompson, 9 Doug Mcclure, 10 Lee Perkins, 11 Jim Dawson, 12 Ms Kathryn Cassel
Row 3: 1 Tom Kreagy, 2 Karl Hines, 3 Martha Eleazer, 4 Mary Nell Lite, 5 Vicki Fisher, 6 Gretchen Shimer, 7 Adrienne Hendricks, 8 Mary Ellen Brown, 9 Terry Brunt, 10 Jeffrey Ziegler
Row 4: 1 Candy Bilikiewicz, 2 Sarah Wiley, 3 unidentified, 4 Patty Barker, 5 Mary Beth Deppen, 6 Barbara Higgins, 7 Linda Rothenberger, 8 Eunice Kriebel, 9 Beverly Saylor, 10 Linda Lee Bean
Row 5: 1 Howard Little, 2 Larry Bustard, 3 Bill Markley, 4 Bruce McClay, 5 Stevie Bateman, 6 “Buzz” Smith, 7 Bob Ziegler
(Notes: absent Lynn Marple; Roseann Insull and Robert Kumpf married, Kathryn Cassel married Kaufman; Guy Brunt, Terry Brunt and Steve Keyser were cousins, John and Larry Bustard were twins)

1958 Worcester School 2nd Grade
all unidentified except Row 3: 1 Debbie Allerton and teachers Rosann Insull and Betty Stewart Starkey

1958 Worcester School 3rd Grade
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 unidentified, 6 John Brunner
Row 2: 1 Ms Christine Hibbs, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Porter Shimer, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified, 9 James Schnaithmann, 10 Ms Elizabeth Krause
Row 3: 1 Terry Bookheimer, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Antoinette Jordan, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified, 9 unidentified, 10 Paul Kriebel
Row 4: 1 unidentified, 2 Mary Ann Heebner, 3 unidentified, 4 Helen Elizabeth Scheid, 5 Kathy Findley, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 Kathy Keyser, 9 Karen Pflugfelter
(Notes: Christine Hibbs married Heimer, who was the shop teacher once a week)

1958 Worcester School 4th Grade
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 Donald Brandis, 3 Tom Bosler, 4 Andy Shimer, 5 Richard Krauss, 6 John Holloway, 7 Herbert Eagens
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 1 Douglass Owens, 3 Fred Gabel, 4 Ernest Smith, 5 William Kehr, 6 Larry Siddens, 7 Dave McClure, 8 Jack Dawson, 9 Jim Lenhart, 10 Eugene Fisher, 11 Mrs Gertrude Beals
Row 3: 1 Jim Marple, 2 Wayne Hardee, 3 Nancie Loeb, 4 Linda Murphy, 5 Linda Eaton, 6 Susan Griggs, 7 Carol Lawrence, 8 Gail Miller, 9 Lee Schroyer, 10 Robert “BJ” Comfort
Row 4: 1 Marjory Yeakel, 2 Cindy Aspen, 3 Edana Bilikiwicz, 4 Sharon Barrett, 5 Linda Murphy, 6 unidentified, 7 Judy Malvoso, 8 Sherry Conrad, 9 Diane Stott
Row 5: 1 Gary Allebach, 2 Charles “Chick” Kulp, 3 unidentified
(Notes: Nancy Lobb and Nancie Loeb are two different girls; Nancy Lobb was out sick and does not appear in the photo; Andy Shimer committed suicide; Ms Gertrude Beals was sweet and bubbly; Fred Gabel, Gail Miller, Nancy Lobb, Tom Bosler, Marjory Yeakel, Eugene Fisher, Douglass Owens and Mrs Beals appear on the 4 Apr 1959 Saturday Evening Post cover illustration “Johnny Genius” by John P Falter)

1958 Worcester School 5th Grade
Row 1: 1 David Steele, 2 Dennis Ickes, 3 Jack Wilhelm, 4 Alan Stehman, 5 Peter Crow, 6 Arthur Forbes, 7 Jimmy Corrigan
Row 2: 1 George Gaynor, 2 David Fermier, 3 David Schnaithmann, 4 Brad Lenhart, 5 Wilbur Lapp, 6 Steve Quay, 7 David Kyler, 8 Stephen Bolger, 9 Albert Platt
Row 3: 1 Miss Alice Smith, 2 Lori Mayew, 3 Martha Gotwals, 4 unidentified, 5 Judy Schroyer, 6 Ann Thompson, 7 Margery Kratz, 8 Ann Weidemier, 9 Linda Forsyth, 10 Judy Higgins, 11 Linda Cardy, 12 Mrs Rodenbaugh
Row 4: 1 Cynthia Greiner, 2 Marilyn Thompson, 3 Linda Royle, 4 Joan Houseal, 5 Cynthia Stehman, 6 Ethel Heil, 7 Linda Lick, 8 Donna Cover, 9 Elsie Robinson
Row 5: 1 Tony Kidd, 2 Richard Fetterman, 3 Tim Quay, 4 Jim Thompson, 5 Billy Shaeffer, 6 Frank Heidel
(Notes: Quays were twins, Thompsons not related)

1958 Worcester School 6th Grade
Row 1: 1 John Gable, 2 Wayne Eaton, 3 Scott Wilhelm, 4 Bob Shimer, 5 Tim Callahan, 6 Richard “Dick” Place, 7 David “Dave” Place
Row 2: 1 Tim Dibble, 2 David Fields, 3 Randy Plummer, 4 John Chambers, 5 Leslie Crist, 6 Howard Brunner, 7 Kenny Brooks, 8 John Wambold, 9 David Loeb, 10 Mr Robert Kumpf
Row 3: 1 Ms Elizabeth Rodenbaugh, 2 Debbie Sieger, 3 Cynthia Hayes, 4 Linda Solomon, 5 Karen Krill, 6 Cynthia Coville, 7 Sandy Haines, 8 Linda Hill, 9 Vicki Bilikiewicz, 10 Susan Belzer
Row 4: 1 Judy Lauman, 2 Jane Allerton, 3 Candy Smith, 4 Patsy Ziegler, 5 Barbara Espenship, 6 Barbara Wolf, 7 Iris Young, 8 Arlene Moyer, 9 Deborah Schlosser
Row 5: 1 Jim Lauman, 2 Don Beck, 3 Alan Rothenberger, 4 Stanley Houpt, 5 Ken Houseal, 6 Bob Frost, 7 Bobby Jones
(Notes: Dick and Dave Place were twins)

1958 Worcester School 7th Grade
Row 1: 1 Harrison Kibblehouse, 2 Bob Bosler, 3 Ed Dawson, 4 Paul Young, 5 Ed Smith, 6 Richard Stehman
Row 2: 1 Newman Stemple, 2 Rod Krauss, 3 Kim Rothenberger, 4 Bob Heist, 5 Jim Brady, 6 Wayne Eaton, 7 Phil Fermier, 8 David Kidd, 9 Ken Miko, 10 Keith Wierman
Row 3: 1 Mrs Joan Thomas, 2 Ted Bean, 3 Ted Leonhart, 4 Sara Beyer, 5 Nancy Platt, 6 Sandy Shiery, 7 Ann Lenhart, 8 Linda Allebach, 9 Kathy Weigner, 10 Tony Malvoso, 11 Richard “Dick” Brunt
Row 4: 1 Marilyn Brant, 2 Barbara Schuler, 3 Marti Lanz, 4 Grace Houpt, 5 Denise Cover, 6 unidentified, 7 Susan Epprecht, 8 Carol Marshall, 9 Sylvia Kerper, 10 Marjorie Higgins, 11 Liz Heagy
Row 5: 1 Donald Akins, 2 Scott Murphy, 3 Jim Barnett, 4 John Hill, 5 Dan Dawson
Donated by Sara Beyer Borr

1958 Worcester School 8th Grade
Row 1: 1 Kenny Wetzel, 2 Bill Wallace, 3 Bruce Brown, 4 Bill Muller, 5 Robin Hilderbrand, 6 Leslie Jones
Row 2: 1 Mrs Joan Thomas, 2 Andrew Thompson, 3 Larry Aspen, 4 Gordon Dow, 5 Dave Wood, 6 Jack Schuler, 7 Dave Gullick, 8 Howard DeHaven, 9 Earl Cassel
Row 3: 1 Ann Finley, 2 Lisa Wiley, 3 Sharon Ickes, 4 Joan Brown, 5 Marilyn Anders, 6 Loretta Dalton, 7 Stacia Dawson, 8 Elsie Drexler, 9 Norma Walsh, 10 Mr John Scholl
Row 4: 1 Sara Lauman, 2 Carol Fetterman, 3 Beverly Royal, 4 Lois Kibblehouse, 5 Sue Tyson, 6 Carol Lee Grater, 7 Barbara Bean, 8 Jean Yeakel
Row 5: 1 Paul Betz, 2 Billy Weigner, 3 Bill Eleazer, 4 Bob Dibble, 5 Barry Bishop

1958 Worcester School 9th Grade Class of 1958
Row 1: 1 Fred Hill, 2 Harris Gramm, 3 Bill Bosler, 4 David Townsend, 5 Phil Schultz
Row 2: 1 Edmund Moyer, 2 Jack Kelly, 3 Jack Fisher, 4 Joan Dechant, 5 Beulah Clemens, 6 Paul Aikens, 7 Robert Jordan, 8 Russell Bryant
Row 3: 1 Peggy Kibblehouse, 2 Carol Teepel, 3 Ms Ella Mae Mahoney, 4 Mr William Powell, 5 Ms Elaine Barnett, 6 Mr John Scholl, 7 Ms Joan Thomas, 8 Doris McDermott, 9 Joan Wolfingden
Row 4: 1 Catherine Mae Lauman, 2 Joanne Kriebel, 3 Barbara Farrington, 4 Janet Lentz, 5 Judy Brunt, 6 Marilyn Thomas, 7 Janice Young, 8 Ellen Lipp, 9 Gail Laskey, 10 Carolyn Smith
Row 5: 1 Clinton Bean, 2 Joe Farris, 3 Ronald Krauss, 4 Ron Stewart, 5 Edward Bean
(Notes: Ella Mae Mahoney was the Home Ec teacher, Mr William Powell was the Shop teacher)