Graduations from One Room Schools, Farmer’s Union Hall & Worcester School
Information gathered from programs, photographs, the Montgomery Transcript, and those who knew them
In the photographs Row 1 is at the back and names go left to right
Contact us at if you:
see a photo missing that you can provide
can identify anyone in a photo
have information that is relevant to a photo ie programs, announcements/invitations
from One Room Schools
The school is listed after the student’s name [in brackets] if known
1886 – First graduating class – 3 graduates
Sarah “Sadie” Custer Slough [Anders], Susan W Fisher [Anders] and Clara B Custer [Quarry Hall].
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening April 24, 1886 in Zeiglers Hall, Center Point.
(Notes: Sadie Slough died 17 Jun 1894 of consumption, married name Custer-Bechtel)
1887 – Second Graduating Class – 10 graduates
Samuel K Brecht, Katherine “Kate” L Custer, Laura Fisher, Mary R Gottshalk/Gottshall, Adelaide “Addie” Harley, Katie Oberholtzer, Amos H Schultz, William C Slough, Ernie Wanner [Quarry Hall], Lillian Wanner.
(Notes: Mary R Gottshalk/Gottshall (died 3 Aug 1888), Ernie Wanner (was a girl) [Quarry Hall] (died 30 Sep 1893); married names Fisher-Burkert, Harley-Oller, Oberholtzer-Cassel, Wanner-Wagner)
1888 – Third Graduating Class – 6 graduates
Minerva Hendricks, Jacob C Kopenhaver, Adele C Morgan, Jennie Ray, Sallie Stong, Frank M Underkuffler
(Notes: married name: Hendricks-Bean)
1889 – Fourth Graduating Class – 15 graduates
Araminta Anders [Anders], Elwood W Anders [Stump Hall], Alice Anson [Stump Hall], Mary Ella Beyer [Cassel’s], Amanda Detwiler [Quarry Hall], Bessie Grater [Stump Hall], Horace A Heebner [Stump Hall], John K Heebner [Stump Hall], Ambrose Kriebel [Metz’s], Charles K Meschter [Anders], Theodore H Morgan [Quarry Hall}, Winfield Place [Roberts], Ida C Slough [Anders], Rose Wanner [Quarry Hall], Bessie J Weikel [Quarry Hall], (Montgomery Transcript lists Katie Schultz and reports 16 graduates)
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening, May 18, 1889 in Lownes Hall Center Point.
(Notes: Horace A Heebner died 16 Aug 1895; married names: Anders-Weigner, Anson-Boorse, Beyer-Weinrich, Detwiler-Highley; Araminta Anders (1871-1941) married John Krauss Weigner and had 10 children)

1889 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Adam Fisher, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 Elwood W Anders [Stump Hall], 5 unidentified, 6 Araminta Anders [Anders], 7 Ambrose Kriebel [Metz’s], 8 unidentified, 9 Charles K Meschter [Anders]
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 John K Heebner [Stump Hall], 6 unidentified, 7 Ida Custer Slough [Anders]
1890 – Fifth Graduating Class – 6 graduates
Allen S Beyer [Cassel’s], Daisy Gotwals [Bethel], Nora Meschter [Anders], Samuel H Schultz [Metz’s], John K Stong [Anders], Mary Yerger [Anders]
James W Cassel [Metz’s] mentioned as a graduate in program but does not appear in a photo of Class of 1890 (“Superintendent R F Hoffecker, Monday examined seven applicants for schools in Worcester, all succeeded but one”. Was this James Cassel???)
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday afternoon, May 17 1890 at 2:00pm at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
(Notes: Allen S Beyer died of scarlet fever 4 Oct 1890, Daisy Gotwals died 12 Apr 1892 and Samuel H Schultz died 13 Nov 1896; married names: Meschter-Kriebel, Yerger-Cassel)

1890 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 John G Stong [Anders], 2 Allen S Beyer [Cassel’s], 3 Samuel H Schultz [Metz’s]
Row 2: 1 Nora Meschter [Anders], 2 Mary Yerger [Anders], 3 Daisy Gotwals [Bethel]
Donated by Mrs Raymond Stong
1891 – Sixth Graduating Class – 14 graduates
Warren Z Anders [Stump Hall], Kathryn “Katie” K Brecht [Metz’s], M Annie Dotts [Bethel], Emma H Detwiler [Quarry Hall], Flora K Heebner [Stump Hall], John B Keyser [Metz’s], Mattie Markley [Quarry Hall], Anna R Morgan [Quarry Hall], Mary B Morgan [Quarry Hall], Allen A Seipt [Stump Hall], Irene Seipt [Metz’s], Andrew J Trucksess [Quarry Hall], Matilda “Tillie” Walker [Anders’], Jennie Wilkinson [Bethel]
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday afternoon June 6, 1891 at 2:00pm at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
(Notes: Anna R Morgan-Salutatorian [Quarry Hall], Allen A Seipt-Valedictorian [Stump Hall]; married names: Morgan-Schaeffer, Seipt-Schultz, Walker-Crout; Flora Heebner lived in China until WWII as a missionary for the Schwenkfelder Church)

1891 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Flora Heebner [Stump Hall], 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 unidentified, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 Warren Z Anders [Stump Hall], 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Jennie E Wilkinson [Bethel], 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified
Donated by William A Anders
1892 – Seventh Graduating Class – 9 graduates
Howard S Beyer [Cassel’s], John M Bossard [Stump Hall], Etta “Ettie” D Custer [Quarry Hall], Wilson R Freeman [Cassel’s], Charles C Kriebel [Cassel’s], Adele Bertha ”Della” Moyer [Metz’s], Kathryn “Katie” B Place [Roberts’], Mamie P Schultz [Metz’s], Sallie D. Seasholtz [Metz’s]
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday afternoon, May 28, 1892 at 2:00pm at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
(Notes: John M Bossard [Stump Hall] -Valedictorian, Etta D Custer [Quarry Hall]-Salutatorian)

1892 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 John M Bossard [Stump Hall], 2 Wilson R Freeman [Cassel’s], 3 Howard S Beyer [Cassel’s], 4 Charles C Kriebel [Cassel’s]
Row 2: 1 Etta D “Ettie” Custer [Quarry Hall], 2 Adele Bertha “Della” Moyer [Metz’s], 3 Mamie Schultz [Metz’s]
Row 3: 1 Sallie D Seasoltz [Metz’s], 2 Kathryn B “Katie” Place [Roberts]
1893 – Eighth Graduating Class – 9 graduates
Ella Z Anders [Stump Hall], George K Anders [Anders’], Hannah B Beard [Bethel], Harvey K Heebner [Stump Hall], Malinda K Heebner [Stump Hall], Helen A Morgan [Quarry Hall], Mary S Rittenhouse [Quarry Hall], Emma K Schultz [Anders’], Bertha Etta Weber [Stump Hall]
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday afternoon, May 22, 1893 at 2 o’clock at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
(Notes: married names: Anders-Rushong, Heebner-Reiff)

1893 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 George K Anders [Anders], 3 Harvey K Heebner [Stump Hall], 4 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 Mary S Rittenhouse [Quarry Hall], 3 Malinda Heebner [Stump Hall]
Row 3: 1 Ella Z Anders [Stump Hall], 2 unidentified
1894 – Ninth Graduating Class – 8 graduates
Eugene A Anders [Cassel’s] Melvin D Custer [Roberts’], Mary A Detwiler [Quarry Hall], Bertha I Grater [Stump Hall], Harry M/D Johnson [Roberts], Jacob B Kratz [Cassel’s], Howard A Seipt [Cassel’s], Lydia L Shellenberger [Anders’]
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, May 26, 1894 at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
1895 – Tenth Graduating Class – 11 graduates
Mary Z Anders [Stump Hall], Frank B Cassel [Roberts’], Linwood H Hunsberger [Roberts’], Ella M Johnson [Roberts’], William K Seibert [Anders’], Emma Seipt [Cassel’s], Horace S Seipt [Metz’s], Harry S Steer [Anders’], Herbert A Trucksess [Quarry Hall], Norvin S Wile [Roberts’], J Harry Wagner [Roberts’]
The graduating exercises were held on Tuesday afternoon, May 28 1895 at 2 o’clock at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
(Notes: Harry S Steer [Anders] from West Point, PA; J Harry Wagner [Roberts’] died 18 Sep 1897; Mary Zilling Anders’ daughter Esther Rodgers Buffler wrote about her mother’s life on the farm in Worcester which was published as a children’s book entitled “Mary”; married names: Anders-Rodgers, Seipt-Dodge )

1895 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Horace S Seipt [Metz’s]
Row 3: 1 Emma Seipt [Cassel’s], 2 Ella M Johnson [Roberts], 3 Mary Z Anders [Stump Hall]
1896 – Eleventh Graduating Class – 7 graduates
E (Effie) Mae Jacobs-Schultz [Anders’], Estella Keyser [Metz’s], Flora R Morgan [Quarry Hall], Emma Rothenberger [Metz’s], M Alice Weber [Stump Hall], Della S Wile [Roberts’], Stella S Wile [Roberts’]
The graduating exercises were held on Thursday afternoon June 4, 1896, at 2 o’clock at the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church.
(Notes: January 1896 Quarry Hall School burned down and was replaced with Fairview School; Effie Mae Jacobs family could not afford the white dress; Della and Stella Wile-twins; Della Wile-Valedictorian, Stella Wile and Effie Mae Jacobs-Salutatorians; married name Jacobs-Schultz)

1896 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 M Alice Weber [Stump Hall]
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 Effie Mae Jacobs [Anders], 3 Emma Rothenberger [Metz’s]
Row 3: 1 Della S Wile [Roberts], 2 Stella S Wile [Roberts]
1897 – Twelfth Graduating Class – 8 graduates
Morrell Z Anders [Stump Hall], Abram A Anders [Cassel’s], Charles H Davis [Stump Hall], Daisy Gehman [Bethel], Deborah K Heebner [Stump Hall], Isaac R Kriebel [Cassel’s], Mazie D Trucksess [Roberts’], Clinton K Weber [Stump Hall]
The graduating exercises were held on Tuesday Afternoon, June 1, 1897 at 2 o’clock in the Worcester Schwenkfelder Church. Program states that this is the Tenth Annual Commencement – the 1895 program also states this two years prior. [Anyone know if this was a misprint?]
(Notes: Isaac R Kreibel [Cassel’s] was Valedictorian, Mazie Trucksess [Roberts’] was Salutatorian and a very short person)

1897 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 Clinton K Weber [Stump Hall], 5 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 Mazie Trucksess [Roberts’]
1898 – Thirteenth Graduating Class – 9 graduates
Linwood Beyer, Clarence Bobb [Anders’], Frank Evans, Harry Frank, Ella M Grater, Alton Kriebel, Andrew Morgan, Kathryn Schultz, Edith Weikel
1899 – Fourteenth Graduating Class –
1900 – Fifteenth Graduating Class – 6 graduates
Arthur K Bobb [Anders], Elizabeth Boorse Hoffman [Fairview], Leila Eleanora Kriebel [Metz’s], Vernon K Kriebel [Anders’], Wayne H Rothenberger [Anders’], Ida Virginia Trucksess
(Notes: Vernon K Kriebel-Valedictorian loved shooting, Wayne H Rothenberger “mouse catcher” gave class history, Arthur K Bobb quiet, Elizabeth Boorse Hoffman gave 20 minute recitation by memory of “Marcel”, Ida Virginia Trucksess-Salutatorian loved music)

1900 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Vernon K Kriebel [Anders], 2 Wayne H Rothenberger [Anders], 3 Arthur K Bobb [Anders]
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified
1901 –Sixteenth Graduating Class
Bertha U Frank [Fairview], Minerva H Hunsberger [Roberts’], Emma S Keely [Bethel], Elsie A Frederick [Roberts’], Margie G Schultz [Bethel], Raymond B Beyer [Roberts], Rebecca I Schultz [Bethel], J Randal Weikel [Fairview], Mary H Brecht [Anders], Ada K Rothenberger [Anders’], Frances B Morgan [Fairview]
1902 – Seventeenth Graduating Class
D Webster Anders, Walter A Anders, Florence Bean, George K Bobb, Wellington R Bustard, Alvin A Geller, Elizabeth M Hunsberger, Addison R Kriebel, Nelson C B Kriebel, Bertha F Metz, Susie A Reiff, Margaret S Rittenhouse, Alvin K Rothenberger, Minnie Schultz, Estella M Swartley, Ora K Weber, Margaret E Wilkinson
The graduating exercises were held on Monday afternoon, May 26, 1902 at 2:00pm Farmers’ Hall, Center Point.
(Notes: Married names: Weber-Bean, Bean-Horrocks, Swartley-Fritz, Rittenhouse-Kriebel, Hunsberger-Bean, Wilkinson-McClure, Schultz-Shelly, Metz-Schultz)

1902 Worcester 8th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Walter Anders, 2 Wellington Bustard
Row 2: 1 Addison Kriebel, 2 Alvin Rothenberger, 3 Levin Geller, 4 D Webster Anders, 5 Nelson Kriebel, 6 George Bobb
Row 3: 1 Ora Weber, 2 Florence Bean, 3 Stella Swartley, 4 Margaret Rittenhouse, 5 Lizzie Hunsberger, 6 Margaret Wilkinson, 7 Minnie Schultz Row 4: 1 Bertha Metz, 2 Suzie Reiff
1903 – Eighteenth Graduating Class
1904 – Nineteenth Graduating Class
1905 –Twentieth Graduating Class
William G Bookheimer [Anders’], Irwin H Henning [Anders’], Blanche Boorse Hoffman [Fairview], Arthur Daniel Hunsberger [Fairview], Frank H Keller [Bethel], Amanda H Krauss [Anders’], William F Metz [Metz’s], Anna Irene Moyer [Bethel], Lillie Rothenberger [Anders’], William S Seipt [Metz’s]
Notes: Lillie Rothenberger – Valedictorian, William Metz – Salutatorian
1906 – Twenty-First Graduating Class
1907 – Twenty-Second Graduating Class
1908 – Twenty-Third Graduating Class
1909 – Twenty-Fourth Graduating Class
from Farmer’s Union Hall
1910 – First Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Ada S Anders, Edna A Aders, J Harding Anders, Abram S Beideman, Evelyn Bookheimer, Rhoda Bookheimer, Mabel R Bustard, Harry O Dengler, Gertrude Hileman, W Earl Markley, Ada Meschter, Florence E Schultz
(Notes: W Earl Markley and Ada Meschter married; married names – R Bookheimer-Carson, Hileman-Fox, Bustard-Baird, Schultz-Fry)

1910 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Gertrude Hileman, 2 Abe Beideman, 3 Mabel R Bustard, 4 unidentified, 5 unidentified, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 W Earl Markley, 4 Ada Meschter, 5 Florence Schultz
1911 – Second Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Arthur Anders, Alice Bean, Claude Craft, Russell Custer, Howard Kriebel, Miles Perry, Blanche R Schultz, Ada Robinson, Laurence Rothenberger, Malcolm Schweiker
(Notes: Malcolm Schweiker and Blanche R Schultz married)
from Worcester School
1912 – Third Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Claude C Allebach, Leon M Anders, Elizabeth F Blattner, Leo B Craft, Emily G Garretson, Leroy Huber, Allen K Kriebel, M Evelyn Markley, Marie M McMullin, Harvey L Reed, Walter C Stevens, Elva M Weigner
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening, June 8 1912 at 8:00pm at the Farmers Hall.
(Notes: Harvey Reed & Elva Weigner married; married names: McMullin-Taylor, Weigner-Geyer; poor copy quality is the result of mirroring caused by photo chemical preparation in 1912)

1912 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Walter C Stevens, 2 Claude C Allebach, 3 Harvey S Reed, 4 Allen K Kriebel, 5 Leo B Kraft, 6 Leroy Huber
Row 2: 1 Marie M McMullin, 2 Elva M Weigner, 3 M Evelyn Markley, 4 Leon M Anders, 5 Elizabeth F Blattner, 6 Emily G Garretson
1913 –Fourth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Louisa L Anson, Helen L Bean, Mayme C Benner, Roscoe W Bookheimer, Willliam B Garges, Ernest A Heebner, Lulu Victoria Johnson, J Russell Kreamer, Kathryn B Kriebel, Reuben L Kriebel, George Meschter, Sheridan Metz, Jacob L Nyce, Frances H Seipt, Robert G Trucksess, Marvin Stetser Wiltsee

1913 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 Mayme C Benner, 4 Louisa L Anson, 5 unidentified, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified
Row 3: 1 Roscoe W Bookheimer, 2 unidentified
(Notes: Names from grad program to be assigned:, Helen L Bean, William B Garges, Ernest A Heebner, J Russell Kreamer, Reuben L Kriebel, Kathryn B Kriebel, Lulu Victoria Johnson, Sheridan A Metz, Jacob L Nyce, George Meschter, Frances H Seipt, Robert G Trucksess, Marvin Stetser Wiltsee; Louisa Anson married Roscoe Bookheimer)
1914 – Fifth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Frances F Blattner, Bessie L Garges, Sara Elizabeth Gilbert, Clarence B Heckler, Verna F Metz, Ralph Waldo Schultz, Roy W Schweiker, Ina F K Smith
Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday morning, May 24, 1914, 10:30, Wentz’s Reformed Church. The Commencement exercises Saturday evening, May 30, 7:45 o’clock, Farmers’ Hall. Doors open at 7 o’clock.
1915 – Sixth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Kathryn Landis Anson, Ethel Mae Bean, A Roy Bobb, Abram O Cassel, Claude H Beyer, Mayme Bean Craft, Linneaus A Detwiler, Mahlon Wesley Detwiler, Mabel E H Drummond, Edwin B Heckler, Lloyd A Heebner, Edna K Kriebel, Marian V Rittenhouse, Marvin K Rothenberger, Henry Harold Slough, W Edgar Slough, Ruth G Trucksess
Baccalaureate Services, Sunday evening, May 16, 1915, at 8 o’clock, Wentz’s Reformed Church. The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening, May 22, 1915 at 8:00pm at the Farmers Hall.
1916 – Seventh Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Katherine C Allebach, Francena Anderson, John Blattner, Sara Brunner, Wilbur Cassel, Norman Clemens, Marian Corson, Lewis Drummond, Walter Godshall, Reba Heebner, Walter Krauss, Mildred Kriebel, Rose Kuhn, Robert M Schaffer, Raymond Stong, Mabelle Wisler, Russell Wisler, Viola Weigner
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening, May 27, 1916 at 8:00pm in Farmers Union Hall.
(Notes: married names: Anderson-Heebner, Kriebel Drummond, Weigner-Clemens)
1917 – Eighth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
1918 – Ninth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Florence A Bean, Florence F Blattner, George F Blattner, Kate G Halteman, Russell K Heebner, A Kinsey Huber, Esther M Jones, Clarence L Kreamer, Mary S Kriebel, Rachel E Kuhn, Russel H Place, Oscar K Rothenberger, Albert B Schultz, Earl F Snyder, George Miner Thomas, John W Thomas, Margaret S Wisler, Elmer C Yerger
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening, June 1, 1918 at the Farmers Hall.
1919 – Tenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
1920 – Eleventh Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
1921 – Twelfth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
1922 – Thirteenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Abraham Lincoln “Abe” Anson, Ralph Beyer, Ethel Blattner, Harold Carson, Marion Heebner, Herman Icuff, Richard Cook Mears, Laura Page, Kathryn Ruth, Arthur Thomas, Ethel Thomas
(Notes: A L Anson became a teacher in Worcester Schools; married names: Blattner-Kriebel, Heebner-Webster, Page-Maggs)

1922 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Richard Cook Mears, 2 Ralph Beyer, 3 Herman Icuff, 4 Arthur Thomas, 5 Harold Carson, 6 Abraham Lincoln “Abe” Anson
Row 2: 1 Laura Page, 2 Marion Heebner, 3 Kathryn Ruth, 4 Ethel Blattner, 5 Ethel Thomas
1923 – Fourteenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Mabel C Allebach, A Jeannette Casselberry, Esther B Heckler, Mildred A Markley, Rolland H Reiff, Ernest B Ruth, Gladys M Ruth, Frances J Schultz, R Stanley Seward
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday Evening May 12, 1923 at 7:45 o’clock Standard Time at Farmers Hall, Center Point
(Notes: married names: Casselberry-Rawlins, Markley-Kriebel, Ruth-Rittenhouse)

1923 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Esther Heckler, 2 Frances Schultz, 3 Rolland Reiff, 4 Gladys Ruth, Mabel Allebach
Row 2: 1 Jeannette Casselberry, 2 Stanley Seward, 3 Mildred Markley, 4 Ernest Ruth
1924 – Fifteenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Alma Mae Bean, John I Beyer, John B Brendle, Anna K Cassel, Henry O Cassel, Thelma Louise Coffman, Eleanor B Fell, Gertrude M Hayes, Curtis A Heebner, Ruth E Lowry, E Raymond Place, Leila H Reiff, E May Scherer, Ivy G Shiery, Russel G Shiery
The commencement exercises were held on Saturday evening, May 17, 1924 at 8:00pm at the Farmers Hall, Center Point
(Notes; married names: Cassel-Gray, Coffman-Glenn, Fell-Tyson, Hayes-Otter, Reiff-Anders, Scherer-Reichel or Smith)
1925 – Sixteenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Betty Allebach, Helen Bahn, Milly Blattner, Linwood Cassel, Alice Carson, Lester Kriebel, Forrest Kulp, Florence Reiff, Flora Snyder, Bessie Schultz, Alberta Shaffer, Marion Styer, Louise Wilkie
(Notes: married names: Allebach-Bean, Blattner-Anders, Carson-Barton, Reiff-Heebner, Snyder-Kratz, Schultz-Miller, Shaffer-Werner)

1925 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Flora Snyder, 2 Marion Styer, 3 Bessie Schultz, 4 Florence Reiff, 5 Elizabeth Allebach, 6 Helen Bahn
Row 2: 1 Mildred Blattner, 2 Linwood Cassel, 3 Forrest Kulp, 4 Lester Kriebel, 5 Alice Carson
(Notice: not in photo – Louise Wilkie, Alberta Shaffer)
1926 – Seventeenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Sadie J Anders, Sara F Bean, Blanche B Craft, Florence V Fetterman, Gladys M Kinsler, Ruth M Landis, Irma A Markley, Frank A Reichenbach, Evelyn R Schultz, A Logan Styer
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday Evening, May 29, 1926 at 7:30pm at the Farmers’ Hall, Center Point.
(Notes: married names: Bean-Price, Fetterman-Reiff, Kinsler-Ziegler, Markley-Belford)

1926 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Frank Albert Reichenbach, 2 Gladys M Kinsler, 3 Blanche B Craft, 4 Ruth M Landes, 5 A Logan Styer
Row 2: 1 Florence V Fetterman, 2 Sadie J Anders, 3 Evelyn R Schultz, 4 Sara F Bean, 5 Irma A Markley
1927 – Eighteenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Jacob Bahn, Charles Fritz, Milton Fritz, Hughie Hannigan, Esther McClure, Irene Reiff-Kriebel, Doris Snyder-Kratz
1928 – Nineteenth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Dorothy A Adair, Hazel C Bean, Esther K Cassell, Dorothy M Gerhart, John K Geyer, Blanche G Keyser, Cleta M Kriebel, Marion B Schultz, B Ellis Service, Grace R Shelly, Helen M Thompson, Mildred A Weigner
Motto: Sunrise not Sunset; Colors: Blue and Gold; Flower: Pink Sweet Peas
(Notes: married names: Cassell-Cassel, Kriebel-Kerper)
1929 – Twentieth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Herbert K Anders, Harold A Beyer, Margaret A Brant, Howard A Brunner, Franklin H Cassel, Katharine Cassel, John Daly, Christian Y Grater, Florence M Hartman, Ruth W Kriebel, William W Lukens, Helen H Reiff, Dorothy J Schultz, Harriet C Styer, Rudolph Styer, Dorothy E Tibben, Charles W Walker
Motto: Out of the Harbor into the Sea; Colors: Blue and White; Flower: Lily of the Valley
(Notes: Katharine and Franklin Cassel – sister and brother)

1929 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Howard A Brunner, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, Charles W Walker
Row 3: 1 unidentified, 2 unidentified, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 unidentified, 6 unidentified, 7 unidentified, 8 unidentified
1930 – Twenty-First Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
George E Bahn, E Jeannette Beck, Paul L Brooke, J Richard Caley, William S Gerhart, Howard W Grater, Franklin R Hallman, Mae A Huguenin, Sterling N Kendall, John Edwin Kriebel, M Durell Krieble, C Wilbur Loos, David W McClure, Thelma M Meyers, J David Rittenhouse, Sidney Sacks, Thomas L Scatchard, G Carl Seipt, Raymond E Snyder, Marion C Undercuffler, J Curtis Weigner
Motto: Courage, Truth and Loyalty; Colors: Blue and Gold; Flower: Pink Carnation
1931 – Twenty-Second Annual Commencement of Worcester Township High School Graduates
Mary E Anders, Gladys M Beyer, Clifford Brunt, Elmer R Fetterman, Allen Hayes, Abraham Kesselman, Evelyn M Markley, Mabel H Reiff, Robert N Reifsneider, J Harold Richard, Emily C Rittenhouse, Alma B Rothenberger, Willard R Seipt, Charles Styer, Charles J Swift, Frances A Walker, Gordon M Wilkie
The graduating exercises were held on Saturday evening, June 6, 1931 at 8:15 o’clock Daylight Savings Time at the Community Hall, Center Point
1932 – Twenty-Third Annual Commencement of Worcester Junior High School Graduates
Viola Anders, Edward Bean, Ella M Beswick, Abner Beyer, B Mary E Beyer, Curtis Bishop, Florence L Brunner, Elwood Brunt, Nicholas Butler, Dorothy Byrne, Joseph G Byrne, James Conace, Alfred Dougherty, Albert Geyer, Dorothy J Hugeunin, Charles F Jones, Grace F Keyser, Elmer H Reiff, Betty Scatchard, Austin J Schultz, Violet Wiegner, Erwin Wright, Dorothy Yoder
The graduating exercises were held Saturday evening, June fourth at eight o’clock Daylight Saving Time, Community Hall, Center Point, PA
1933 – Twenty-Fourth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Howard C Bean, Paul D Bean, Evelyn Beck, Bernice Beyer, Doris S Beyer, Anna M Butler, Paul K Cassel, John J Dwyer, Alma E Fisher, Frieda Frank, Bettie V Geyer, Vergene B Geyer, William H Gottshall, Jr., Doris A Heebner, Paul L Heins, Almeda R Hileman, Eleanor I Huber, Robert W Krauss, R Bernard Loos, John C MacIntire, Kathleen M. Maxwell, Calvin L McVaugh, Clara E Myers, Ruth Pyle, Clarence F Reifsneider, Margaret M Rothenberger, Howard S Rittenhouse, Jane A Schall, Ethel V Seipt, Lillian Steinberg, *Charles Stewart, Fred Swift, C Raymond White
Class Motto: We Climb; Class Color: Blue and Gold; Class Flower: Yellow Rose Bud
The graduating exercises were held May 20, 1933, Community Hall, Center Point, PA
(Notes: Lillian Steinberg-Valedictorian, Evelyn Beck-Salutatorian; Howard Bean and Ruth Pyle married)

1933 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 William H Gottshall Jr, 2 Paul K Cassel, 3 John J Dwyer, 4 Howard S Rittenhouse, 5 Clarence Reifsnyder, 6 Howard C Bean, 7 John C MacIntire, 8 Paul L Heins
Row 2: 1 Eleanor I Huber, 2 Evelyn Beck, 3 Charles Raymond White, 4 R Bernard Loos, 5 Robert W Krauss, 6 Fred Swift, 7 Calvin L McVaugh, 8 Paul D Bean, 9 Betty V Geyer, 10 Ethel V Seipt
Row 3: 1 Ruth Pyle, 2 Clara E Myers, 3 Almeda Hileman, 4 Anna M Butler, 5 Vergene B Geyer, 6 Bernice “Bernie” Beyer, 7 Margaret M “Peg” Rothenberger, 8 Doris A Heebner, 9 Doris S Beyer, 10 Jane A Schall, 11 Alma E Fisher
1934 – Twenty-Fifth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Edna J Bahn, Harry A Beck, S Jane Beswick, Edward Beyer, Allen Bishop, Earl W Brooke, Alma L Bustard, Josephine A Dalida, Rita Dwyer, Elda Frank, George Hay, John W Hay, Jane M Hicks, Charles Heilman, Jr., Floyd R Hileman, M Louise Jackson, Allen H Keyser, Sara Kriebel, William McClure, Naomi A Payne, Gertrude H Place, Irma H Reiff, Lester V Swift
Class Motto: Work and Win; Class Color: Blue and Gold; Class Flower: Sweet Peas
The graduating exercises were held on Thursday evening, June 7, 1934 at 8:00pm at the Community Hall.
(Notes: George and John Hay – twins, Hilemans from different families; Irma Reiff-Valedictorian, Floyd Hileman-Salutatorian)

1934 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Harry Beck, 2 Charles Hileman Jr, 3 Lester Swift, 4 Earl Brooke
Row 2: 1 Allen “Pud” Bishop, 2 George Hay, 3 Bill McClure, 4 John Hay, 5 Floyd Hileman, 6 Allen Keyser, 7 Edward Beyer
Row 3: 1 Rita Dwyer, 2 Louise Jackson, 3 Sara Kriebel, 4 Sara Jane Beswick, 5 Elda Frank, 6 Gertrude Place, 7 Irma Reiff, 8 Alma Bustard, 9 Janes Hicks, 10 Edna Bahn
1935 – Twenty-Sixth Annual Commencement of Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Ruth D Bean, Virginia H Benner, Donald Brunt, Kathryn A Bustard, Mary Alice Geyer, Elizabeth E Hamilton, Betty Hay, Harry M Houpt, Stanley R Houpt, Virginia M “Jean” Jones, Sara E King, A Arlene Markley, Doris B Rothenberger, Willard B Schultz, Bessie N Seitz, Elizabeth S Stewart, Margaret E Styer, Elizabeth A Swift, George Howard Whittaker, Donald R Wilkie
Class Motto: We Build for Character, Not for Fame; Class Color: Blue and Gold; Class Flower: Red Rose
The graduating exercises were held May 31, 1935, Community Hall, Center Point, PA
(Notes: Elizabeth E Hamilton-Valedictorian, Elizabeth S Stewart -Salutatorian)

1935 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Donald R Wilkie, 2 Harry M Houpt, 3 Donald Brunt, 4 George H Whittaker, 5 Stanley R Houpt, 6 Willard B Schultz
Row 2: 1 Sara E King, 2 Betty Hay, 3 Virginia H Benner, 4 Ruth D Bean, 5 Virginia M “Jean” Jones, 6 Margaret E Styer, 7 Kathryn A Bustard
Row 3: 1 Mary Alice Geyer, 2 Elizabeth S Stewart, 3 Bessie N Seitz, 4 Elizabeth E Hamilton, 5 A Arlene Markley, 6 Elizabeth A Swift, 7 Doris B Rothenberger
1936 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Doris Anders, Lee Brooke, Doris Brunt, Norman Fox, Anna Geyer, Harold Hallman, Ada Hay, Helen Heileman, Kenneth Hugenin, Andrew Jackson, Hazel Johnson, Howard Kriebel, Elizabeth McClure, Gertrude Moyer, Allan Myers, Mary Myers, Helen Ottinger, Mary Parry, Joseph Sacks, Malcolm Schweiker Jr, Jessie Schwoyer, Mildred Seipt, Jacqueline Singer, Paul Speighem, William Weber, Margaret Wilkie

1936 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Harold Hallman, 2 Malcolm Schweiker Jr, 3 Paul Speighem, 4 Andrew Jackson, 5 Norman Fox, 6 Allan Myers
Row 2: 1 Joseph Sacks, 2 Lee Brooke, 3 Kenneth Hugenin, 4 Mildred Seipt, 5 Anna Geyer, 6 Gertrude Moyer, 7 Helen Ottinger, 8 Howard Kriebel, 9 William Weber
Row 3: 1 Ada Hay, 2 Elizabeth McClure, 3 Jaqueline Singer, 4 Jessie Schwoyer, 5 Margaret Wilkie, 6 Doris Brunt, 7 Mary Parry, 8 Mary Myers, 9 Helen Heileman, 10 Doris Anders, 11 Hazel Johnson
1937 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1938 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1939 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Paul L Beyer, Dorothy M Bidden, Irene Bookheimer, Robert K Brader, June L Brook, Kenny Brunt, Arthur L Bustard, Ruth E Cameron, Howard Collins, Louise Daw, Wilson A Fell, John Fisher, Mary Dorothy Fisher, A Eileen Geyer, William Goodfriend, Agnes Hallowell, George H Heilemann, Kathleen Huber, Frances Hudnut, Floyd K Kriebel, Geraldine Kriebel, Amelia Masters, E Jean Miller, A Louise Shearer, Curtis Shiery, Eunice Sinclair, Bruce Singer, Ella Mae Wanner
(Notes: A Louise Shearer adopted by Dr. Herbert & Christine Shearer)

1939 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Howard Collins, 2 Wilson A Fell, 3 Kenny Brunt, 4 Paul L Beyer, 5 John Fisher, 6 George H Heilemann, 7 Arthur L Bustard, 8 Curtis Shiery, 9 Robert K Brader, 10 William Goodfriend
Row 2: 1 Bruce Singer, 2 Agnes Hallowell, 3 Frances Hudnut, 4 A Louise Shearer, 5 Eunice Sinclair, 6 Mary Dorothy Fisher, 7 Ella Mae Wanner, 8 Louise Daw, 9 Floyd K Kriebel
Row 3: 1 Irene Bookheimer, 2 Kathleen Huber, 3 E Jean Miller, 4 Amelia Masters, 5 June L Brook, 6 A Eileen Geyer, 7 Ruth E Cameron, 8 Dorothy M Bidden, 9 Geraldine Kriebel
Donated by Linda Geyer
1940 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Burton K Allebach, Arthur S Anders, Jr, Ruth A Anders, Roberta A Benner, Thelma W Bobb, Eugene A Bookheimer, Kathryn M Bookheimer, Georgia B Brooks, Barbara W M Cardeza, David W Dell, Dorothy Keller, William Martin Kelly, Ronald R Landes, Grace A Marple, Thomas W McClure, Doris P Myers, Dorothy S Speller, Jacob L Steinberg, Jack A Sundin, John L Wentworth, Robert Wright
Class Theme: Adventures in Pioneering, Class Colors: Blue and Gold, Class Flower: Lily of the Valley
(Notes: Bill Kelly killed in Trolley Accident; Jack Sundin committed suicide; Barbara Cardeza’s father was a navy admiral; Roberta Benner and Doris Myers both became nurses)

1940 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Bill Kelly, 2 Arthur Anders Jr, 3 John Wentworth
Row 2: Jack Sundin, 2 Jake Steinburg, 3 Tom McClure, 4 Bob Wright, 5 Burton Allebach, 6 Ronald Landes, 7 David Dell, 8 Eugene Bookheimer
Row 3: 1 Grace Marple, 2 Thelma Bobb, 3 Ruth Anders, 4 Barbara Cardeza, 5 Georgia Brooks, 6 Dorothy Speller, 7 Catherine Bookheimer, 8 Roberta Benner, 9 Dorothy Keller, 10 Doris Myers
1941 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
John W Anderson, Dorothy Bookheimer, Jane Evans, Mildred Hayes, Mary Louise Hild, Marie Kriebel, Joseph Law, Catherine Mascaro, William Morrison, Robert M Rothenberger, Delores Sowers

1941 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Marie Kriebel, 2 John W Anderson, 3 Robert M Rothenberger, 4 William Morrison, 5 Joseph Law, 6 Delores Sowers
Row 2: 1 Catherine Mascaro, 2 Mary Louise Hild, 3 Mildred Hayes, 4 Jane Evans, 5 Dorothy Bookheimer
1942 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Florence Edna Anders, Donald Henning Benner, Eleanor May Bergin, Eleanor J Beyer, Charles R Bustard, Celestia Martinez Cardeza, Robert A Cassel, Robert E Davis, Grace Laretta Detwiler, Elaine C M Emerson, Margaret Fisher, Lloyd F Fry, Stanley Geyer Jr, Barclay Hallowell, Joyce Mae Green, Doris Jeanne Kunkle, Winifred Reiff Landes, Charles Mascaro, George William Miller, Evelyn I Myers, Lois Jane Patterson, Evelyn Doris Rea, Alice Maxine Reichenbach, Helen Louise Rothenberger, Richard Schultz Schweiker, 6 7 8 Charles “Duane” Snyder, Anna “Nancy” Selfridge Stewart, Arline M Wright
Promotion Exercises of the Worcester Junior High School Tuesday June 2, 1942 8 o’clock War Time Community Hall, Center Point

1942 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Robert E Davis, 2 Robert A Cassel, 3 Charles R Bustard, 4 Donald Henning Benner, 5 Richard Schultz Schweiker, 6 Barclay Hallowell, 7 Stanley Geyer Jr, 8 Charles “Duane” Snyder
Row 2: 1 Charles Mascaro, 2 George William Miller, 3 Alice Maxine Reichenbach, 4 Lois Jane Patterson, 5 Eleanor J Beyer, 6 Florence Edna Anders, 7 Helen Louise Rothenberger, 8 Eleanor May Bergin, 9 Evelyn Doris Rea, 10 Lloyd F Fry
Row 3: 1 Anna “Nancy” Selfridge Stewart, 2 Joyce Mae Green, 3 Arline M Wright, 4 Margaret Fisher, 5 Elaine C M Emerson, 6 Grace Laretta Detwiler, 7 Celestia Martinez Cardeza, 8 Evelyn I Myers, 9 Doris Jeanne Kunkle, 10 Winifred Reiff Landes
(Notes: married names: Landes-Faust, Anders-Kriebel, Beyer-Stehman)
Minnie Landes, Florence Anders, Eleanor Beyer
1943 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Arlene Anders, Victor Ammon, Kitty Armstrong, Fred Bookheimer, Henry Brandis, Eleanor Brandt, Alan Brooks, Raymond Brooks, Frances Butera, June Dell, Dorothy Evans, Dorothy Fryling, Anna Harteg, Charles Harteg, Dorothy Hollis, Mary Kurz, Lois Landis, Mary Long, Eugene Ludwig, Gladys Myers, Stanley Rothenberger, William “Bill” Markley, Barbara Singer, Bill Smith III
(Notes: Anna & Charles Harteg and Raymond & Alan Brooks – twins)

1943 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Charles Harteg, 2 Henry Brandis, 3 Stanley Rothenberger, 4 Bill Markley, 5 Victor Ammon, 6 Bill Smith III
Row 2: 1 Raymond Brooks, 2 Fred Bookheimer, 3 Dorothy Evans, 4 Eleanor Brandt, 5 Lois Landis, 6 Dorothy Hollis, 7 Frances Butera, 8 Eugene Ludwig, 9 Alan Brooks
Row 3: 1 Dorothy Fryling, 2 Kitty Armstrong, 3 Mary Long, 4 Anna Harteg, 5 June Dell, 6 Gladys Myers, 7 Arlene Anders, 8 Mary Kurz, 9 Barbara Singer
1944 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Lois Hileman
Promotion Exercises Wednesday Evening, May twenty fourth Nineteen hundred and forty four Eight o’clock, War Time Community Hall, Center Point, PA
1945 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1946 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1947 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1948 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1949 – Worcester Junior High School Graduates
William Ager, Joseph Bergin, Marvin Brooks, Carl Folk, Cynthia Gehret, Nancy Goodfriend, Patsy Hartman, Phyllis Heebner, Donna Kessler, Edith Kriebel, Irvin “Jack” Kriebel, Virginia Kriebel, David Mayberry, Larry McDade Plummer, Glen Snyder, William Waters

1949 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Irvin “Jack” Kriebel, 2 Marvin Brooks, 3 William Waters, 4 Joseph Bergin, 5 Larry Plummer, 6 David Mayberry, 7 William Ager, 8 Carl Folk, 9 Glen Snyder
Row 2: 1 Cynthia Gehret, 2 Patsy Hartman, 3 Nancy Goodfriend, 4 Phyllis Heebner, 5 Donna Kessler, 6 Edith Kriebel, 7 Virginia Kriebel
Donated by Nancy Goodfriend Harper
1950 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Bobby Agar, Nancy Anders, John Belzer, Claire Bergin, Donna Coleman, Dean Cook, Earl Detweiler, Ruth Geyer, Virginia Geyer, Roseanne Insull, Betty Karcher, Albert Kriebel, Betty Jane Landis, Theresa Reinert, Lloyd Rothenberger, Della Shoemaker, George Townsend, Elmer Zern
(Notes: Ruth and Virginia Geyer – sisters; Donna Coleman married Joseph Bergin from the class of 1949, married name Anders-Palmer)

1950 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Bobby Agar, 2 Albert Kriebel, 3 Dean Cook, 4 John Belzer, 5 Earl Detweiler, 6 Elmer Zern
Row 2: 1 George Townsend, 2 Ruth Geyer, 3 Virginia Geyer, 4 Betty Karcher, 5 Theresa Reinert, 6 Lloyd Rothenberger
Row 3: 1 Claire Bergin, 2 Donna Coleman, 3 Della Shoemaker, 4 Roseanne Insull, 5 Nancy Anders, 6 Betty Jane Landis
1951 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates

1951 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Ronald Walsh, 2 Richard Kalkbrenner, 3 Louis Shipper, 4 Newell Allebach, 5 David King
Row 2: 1 Albert “Blimpy” Dresler, 2 Wesley Beyer, 3 Charley Huegel, 4 Stephen Palmer
Row 3: 1 Phyllis Wierman, 2 Betty Akins, 3 Shirley Dettra, 4 Carol Reinert, 5 Bev Love
1952 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Mary Jane Betz, Claire Blattner, Stanton Brown, Jane Heber Clemmer, Zelda Coleman, Elwood Davidson, Charles Delp, Alice Ann Eberle, Marlene Fetterman, Abram Godshall, Jane Wendla Hilderbrand, Robert Johnson, Carol Kelly, Everett Kriebel, Willis Kriebel, Joan Landis, Dorothy Reinert, Lowell Rothenberger, Sarah Longacre Slough, Donald Todd, 2 Elsie Troutline

1952 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Donald Todd, 2 Elsie Troutline, 3 Stanton Brown, 4 Joan Landis, 5 Lowell Rothenberger, 6 Alice Ann Eberle, 7 Charles Delp, 8 Zelda Coleman, 9 Robert Johnson, 10 Marlene Fetterman 11 Abram Godshall
Row 2: 1 Claire Blattner, 2 Everett Kriebel, 3 Mary Jane Betz, 4 Elwood Davidson, 5 Dorothy Reinert, 6 Carol Kelly, 7 Willis Kriebel, 8 Sarah Longacre Slough, 9 Jane Heber Clemmer, 10 Jane Wendla Hilderbrand
(Notes: Everett Kriebel and Willis Kriebel were cousins, Lowell Rothenberger & Zelda Coleman married)
1953 – Worcester Township Junior High School 9th Grade Graduates

1953 Worcester 9th Grade Graduation
Row 1: Roland Solomon, 2 unidentified, 3 Jack Kibblehouse, 4 Jim Fetterman, 5 Terry Schultz, 6 unidentified, 7 David Clemens, 8 unidentified
Row 2: 1 David Magill, 2 Perry Schultz, 3 Bill Hemminghaus, 4 John Haines, 5 unidentified, 6 Sue King, 7 unidentified, 8 Patsy Young, 9 unidentified, 10 Alfred Mayberry, 11 Robert Glenn Brown, 12 David Rothenberger, 13 David Gregor
Row 3: 1 Jane Geyer, 2 Pauline Akins, 3 unidentified, 4 Marion Schultz, 5 Patsy Kelly, 6 Nancy Clearwater, 7 Grace Harper, 8 Pat Iffland, 9 Audrey Mayberry, 10 Janice Bateman, 11 Nancy Doak
(Notes: possible names- Nora Smith, Molly Bishop; Doak-Keeler)
1953 – Worcester Township Junior High School 10th Grade Graduates

1953 Worcester 10th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Frances Kriebel, 2 Tommy Mascaro, 3 Harland Smith, 4 Ken Johnson, 5 Herbert Schwab, 6 Alan Hill, 7 Earl Snyder, 8 Betty Nester
Row 2: 1 Evelyn Marie Zern, 2 Shirley Detwiler, 3 Edna Jane Schultz, 4 Betty Granger, 5 Mary Lou Sibel, 6 Carol Arnold, 7 Barbara Kriebel, 8 Betty Eleazer, 9 Carol Wallace
1954 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Barbara Anders, Betty Jane Bean, Ginny Blattner, Calvin Collins, Barbara DeChant, Sara Lou Hitchens, Lois Heebner, Joyce Kibblehouse, Fred Kriebel, Connie Kuntz, Delma Looper, Diane Love, Jane Mascaro, Elizabeth Powell, Sandra Schwab, Betty Smith, Loretta Young

1954 Worcester 9th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Betty Smith, 2 Fred Kriebel, 3 Barbara DeChant, 4 Loretta Young, 5 Ginny Blattner, 6 Sara Lou Hitchens, 7 Betty Jane Bean, 8 Lois Heebner, 9 Calvin Collins, Diane Love
Row 2: 1 Jane Mascaro, 2 Delma Looper, 3 Connie Kuntz, 4 Joyce Kibblehouse, 5 Sandra Schwab, 6 Elizabeth Powell, 7 Barbara Anders
1955 – Worcester Junior High School Graduates
Robert William Beu, Nancy Marie Beyer, Diane Lorraine Bishop, James Albert Bobb, Dorothy May Cardy, Barry Sidney Conrad, Linda Louise Conrad, Sandra Detwiler Corrigan, Carol Anne Crist, Conyers C Davis, Jr, Larry Alan Davis, Frances Genevieve Doak, Jane P Fisher, Ruth Ann Grater, Sherman Reiff Heebner, Marion Joan Heist, Dean Rutledge Hibbs, Janice Ruth Hill, Thomas George Kay, Jr, Nancy Jane Krieble, Ethel Marie Lauman, Ronald J Miko, Marjorie Lucille Rothenberger, Walter Francis Rush, Gail Marion Smith, Margaret Anne Thomas, Nancy Lee Thompson, Gordon Lewis Todd
Class Colors: Navy and Light Blue; Class Flower: Red Rose
The promotion exercises were held on Wednesday Evening June 1, 1955 8:00 pm Fellowship Hall Schwenkfelder Church, Center Point, PA
(Notes: Conyers Davis had polio and used crutches)

1955 Worcester 9th Grade
Row 1: 1 Sherman Heebner, 2 Barry Conrad, 3 unidentified, 4 unidentified, 5 Dean Hibbs, 6 Ronald Miko, 7 Frances Doak, 8 Gail Smith, 9 Janice Hill, 10 Jane Fisher, 11 Gordon Todd, 12 Jimmy Bobb, 13 unidentified, 14 Conyers Davis, 15 Larry Davis
Row 2: 1 unidentified, 2 Marion Heist, 3 Ruth Ann Grater, 4 Nancy Kriebel, 5 Lucille Rothenberger, 6 Carol Crist, 7 Marie Lauman, 8 unidentified, 9 Linda Conrad, 10 unidentified, 11 Nancy Beyer, 12 Peggy Thomas, 13 Sandra Corrigan
1956 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Leslie Reiff Anders, Ethel Jeannette “Jeanie” Binns, Cosie Louise Dawson, Donald “George” Dawson, Jr, Howard Joseph Dutton, Radcliffe Wilcox Farley, Betty Jean Fulmer, William Harry “Bill” Harding, Gilbert Reach Kriebel, Carol Ann Lanz, Nancy Linda Lapp, Gerald Robert “Jerry” Lawrence, Charles John Liskiewicz, Jr, Rosemary Patricia “Patsy” McDermott, James Harvey “Jimmy” Plummer, Jr, Glenn Arthur Ritter, Robert Wilmer Steele, David Frederick Todd, Linda May Townsend
(Notes: George Dawson and Cosie Dawson-brother and sister)

1956 Worcester 9th Grade
Row 1: 1 Leslie Anders, 2 Jerry Lawrence, 3 Bill Harding, 4 Radcliff Farley, 5 Glenn Ritter, 6 Robert Steele, 7 Jimmy Plummer, 8 Howard Dutton, 9 George Dawson, 10 Charles Liskiewicz, 11 Gilbert Kriebel, 12 David Todd
Row 2: 1 Linda Townsend, 2 Nancy Lapp, 3 Carol Lanz, 4 Jeanie Binns, 5 Patsy McDermot, 6 Cosie Dawson, 7 Betty Fulmer
1957 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Margaret Elizabeth “Margie” Belzer, Doris May Beyer, John I Beyer, Patricia Dawn “Pat” Bishop, John E “Johnny” Blattner, Wendy Gay Boelker, Robert R “Bob” Brandis, James Blair “Jim” Chambers, Louis A Claremont, Jr, Dennis L Cook, Elaine “Claudia” Dalton, Helen Lena Drexler, Corson “Carl” Espenship, Carol Marie Farris, Janet Clara Griffin, Beverly Benezet Haines, Richard A Heebner, John Earl Karcher, Judith “Lynn” Keir, Kathleen Ann “Kathy” Kelly, Ethel “Delores” Kidd, Allen Lesher King, Sandra Lee “Sandy” Kline, Beatrice Schultz “Bea” Kriebel, George Frederick “Fred” Lauman, Barry Clarence Lenhart, William Anderson “Bill” McCallum, Linda Priscilla McClure, Steven L “Steve” Norcross, Roger Allan Place, James Andrew “Jim” Platchek, Irene Ann Righter, Thelma Marie Schott, Patricia Lee “Pat” Schultz, Curtis Eugene Weigner, Robert H “Bob” Weller, David Craig Wetzel

1957 Worcester 9th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Steve Norcross, 2 David Wetzel, 3 Bill McCallum, 4 Barry Lenhart, 5 Allen King, 6 Johnny Blattner
Row 2: 1 Dennis Cook, 2 Carl Espenship, 3 Roger Place, 4 Jim Platchek, 5 John Karcher, 6 Jim Chambers, 7 John Beyer
Row 3: 1 Richard Heebner, 2 Louis Claremont, 3 Bob Weller, 4 Curtis Weigner, 5 Fred Lauman, 6 Bob Brandis
Row 4: 1 Pat Schultz, 2 Carrol Farris, 3 Thelma Schott, 4 Beverly Haines, 5 Linda McClure, 6 Lynn Keir, 7 Margie Belzer, 8 Doris Beyer, 9 Janet Griffin
Row 5: 1 Irene Righter, 2 Delores Kidd, 3 Bea Kriebel, 4 Sandy Kline, 5 Pat Bishop, 6 Kathy Kelly, 7 Wendy Boelker, 8 Claudia Dalton
1958 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Donald Akins, Jane Allerton (hidden), Sue Belzer, Vickie Bilikiewicz, Howard Brunner, Richard Brunt, John Buler, Tim Callahan, Cynthia Coville, Leslie Crist, Danny Dawson, Timothy “Tim” Dibble, Sherry Dubner, Barbara Espenship, Susan Fosbenner, Sandy Haines, David Heckler, Linda Hill, Stanley Houpt, Ken Houseal, Bobby Jones, Karen Krill, Judy Lauman, Pat Maciolek, Tony Malavoso, Arlene Moyer, George Phlander, Richard “Dick” Place, David Place, Randolph “Randy” Plummer, Alan Rothenberger, Jeanie Russell, Debbie Schlosser, Debbie Sieger, Bob Shimer, Canby Smith, Linda Soloman, Carole Wallace, Barbara Wolf, Leanna Wolfert, Iris Young, Patricia Zeigler
Promotion exercises Wednesday Evening, June 11, 1958 7:45 pm Worcester School Auditorium, Center Point, Penna.

1958 Worcester 9th Grade Graduation
Row 1: 1 Sandy Haines, 2 Arlene Moyer, 3 Stanley Houpt, 4 Barbara Espenship, 5 Dick Place, 6 David Place, 7 Cynthia Coville, 8 Danny Dawson, 9 Bob Shimer
Row 2: 1 Susan Fosbenner, 2 Jeanie Russell, 3 Randy Plummer, 4 Carole Wallace, 5 David Heckler, 6 Iris Young, 7 Leslie Crist, 8 Debbie Sieger, 9 Howard Brunner, 10 Sue Belzer, 11 Linda Hill
Row 3: 1 Vickie Bilikiewicz, 2 Canby Smith, 3 George Phlander, 4 Barbara Wolf, 5 Tim Dibble, 6 Sherry Dubner, 7 John Buler, 8 Jane Allerton (hidden), 9 Ken Houseal, 10 Debbie Schlosser, 11 Tim Callahan
Row 4: 1 Karen Krill, 2 Bobby Jones, 3 Patricia Zeigler, 4 Alan Rothenberger, 5 Pat Maciolek, 6 Donald Akins, 7 Linda Soloman, 8 Tony Malavoso, 9 Judy Lauman, 10 Richard Brunt, 11 Leanna Wolfert
1959 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
1960 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Grace Houpt, Linda Allebach, Beatrice Bacher, Jim Barnette, Ted Bean, Sara Beyer, Bob Bosler, Marilyn Bryant, Charlotte Caracappa, Denise Cover, Ed Dawson, Wayne Eaton, Susan Epprecht, Phil Fermier, Carolyn Forbes, Lois Hartsock, Liz Heagy, Bob Heist, Marjorie Higgins, John Hill, Grace Houpt, Sylvia Kerper, Harrison Kibblehouse, Ron Krauss, Marti Lanzi, Anne Lenhart, Ted Lenhart, Carol Marshall, Ken Miko, Scott Murphy, Nancy Platt, Kim Rothenberger, Barbara Schuler, Sandy Shiery, Newman Stemple, Carol Thompson, Ed Smith, Richard Stehman, Kathy Weigner, Keith Wierman, Paul Young
1961 – Worcester Township Junior High School Graduates
Methacton High School opened in 1962 with 9th and 10th grades – the first 12th grade graduating class was in 1964. The Worcester School building was razed in 1999.